
Altay Goyushov

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Altay Goyushov received his PhD in the History of Political Islam from Baku State University in 1993. He has held fellowships in Germany, Italy, France and the United States, including fellowship at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, the Bourse “Directeurs d’Études Associés” at the FMSH in Paris, a Fulbright Scholarship at Georgetown University, Reagan-Fascell Fellowship at the National Endowment for Democracy and visiting professorships and appointments at Sapienza-Università di Roma, UCLA.

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Main Publications

State Policies towards Islam in the Early Soviet and Post-Soviet Periods in Azerbaijan: A Comparative Analysis.” In Muslims of Post-Communist Eurasia. 1-st edition. Galina M. Yemelianova, Egdūnas Račius (eds.). Routledge. 2022. Print, pp.58-78.

Identifying Major Actors of Shi’i Revival in Post-Soviet Azerbaijan.” Co-authored with Kenan Rovhsanoglu. Journal of Religion in Europe, Volume 14, Issue 3-4 (2021) - Special Issue: Religion in the South Caucasus: Tradition, Ambiguity, and Transformation. Brill, pp.392-417.

Halted Democracy: Government Hijacking of the New Opposition in Azerbaijan.” Co-authored with Ilkin Huseynli. In Politik und Gesellschaft im Kaukasus: Eine unruhige Region zwischen Tradition und Transformation. Olaf Leiße (ed.). Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer VS. 2019. Print, pp.27-51.

“The relations between the Soviet State and Islam in Azerbaijan in the 1920s and 1930s.” In Repression, Anpassung, Neuorientierung: Studien zum Islam in der Sowjetunion und dem postsowjetischen Raum. (German Edition). Raoul Motika, Michael Kemper, Anke von Kugelen (eds.). Wiesbaden: Dr Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2013. Print.

“Changing Islam in Post-Soviet Azerbaijan & Its Weighting on the Sunni / Shia Cleavage.” Co-authored with Bayram Balci. In The Dynamics of Sunni-Shia Relationships: Doctrine, Transnationalism, Intellectuals and the Media. Brigitte Maréchal and Sami Zemni (eds.). London: Hurst, 2013. Print, pp.193-215. 

The Transformation of Azerbaijani Orientalists into Islamic Thinkers after 1991.” Co-authored with Naomi Caffee, and Robert Denis. In The Heritage of Soviet Oriental Studies. Michael Kemper, and Stephan Conermann (eds.). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2011. Print, pp.306-20. 

“Islam and Islamic Education in the Soviet and Independent Azerbaijan.” In Islamic Education in the Soviet Union and Its Successor States. Michael Kemper, Stephane Reichmuth, and Raoul Motika (eds.). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2010. Print, pp.168-222. 

Islamic revival in Azerbaijan.” Current Trends in Islamist Ideology 7 (2008): 66-81. Hudson Institute.

"Comprendre les tensions au Haut-Karabakh à travers le prisme religieux : retour sur la guerre de 2020". Bulletin de l'Observatoire international du religieux N°47 [en ligne], janvier 2024. 

Two Faces of Azerbaijan's Government.”, December, 2014.


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