MCU (Senior Lecturer) in Asian Studies seconded to Sciences Po from the University of Paris 7 since 1998, and a researcher at the CERI since 1990. In East Asia, he is a Visiting Professor at Yonsei University (Seoul),Keio University (Tokyo) and the University of Malaya (Kuala Lumpur). His previous positions at Sciences Po, were as Director of Studies at the Centre des hautes études sur l'Afrique et l'Asie modernes (CHEAM), from 1994-1998, and Executive Director of the Asia-Europe Centre from 1998-2004. Prior to this, he held positions at the University of Paris 12 and the University of Paris 8 (St Denis).
He was the founding European Corresponding Editor of The Pacific Review from 1994 till 2008. He is co-editor of the Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs David Camroux studied for his first degree at the University of Sydney and for his doctorate at the Sorbonne. He has been an academic advisor and evaluator for EC financed European Studies programmes in Vietnam (2001-2004) and in China (2004-2008) as well as other occasional consultancy activities for the European Commission. He was a board member for the EU-NESCA (Network of European Studies in Asia) FP6 project (2005 - 2009) and is on the advisory board of the EsiA (European Studies in Asia) network established by the Asia-Europe Foundation, Singapore in 2005. His interdisciplinary academic background in history and the social sciences has led to a research approach which draws on both comparative politics and international relations theories and methods.
At the CERI he participates in the research group on International Relations and Migration. He was involved in the EU-funded FP6 research network, GARNET, and coordinates the CERI’s participation in an FP7 project, Mercury. He is a regular commentator on Southeast Asian and Australasian matters for the media. For his academic achievements, he was made a Chevalier de l'Ordre des Palmes académiques in July 1993 and a Chevalier de l'Ordre des arts et des lettres in May 1997.
He was the founding European Corresponding Editor of The Pacific Review from 1994 till 2008. He is co-editor of the Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs David Camroux studied for his first degree at the University of Sydney and for his doctorate at the Sorbonne. He has been an academic advisor and evaluator for EC financed European Studies programmes in Vietnam (2001-2004) and in China (2004-2008) as well as other occasional consultancy activities for the European Commission. He was a board member for the EU-NESCA (Network of European Studies in Asia) FP6 project (2005 - 2009) and is on the advisory board of the EsiA (European Studies in Asia) network established by the Asia-Europe Foundation, Singapore in 2005. His interdisciplinary academic background in history and the social sciences has led to a research approach which draws on both comparative politics and international relations theories and methods.
At the CERI he participates in the research group on International Relations and Migration. He was involved in the EU-funded FP6 research network, GARNET, and coordinates the CERI’s participation in an FP7 project, Mercury. He is a regular commentator on Southeast Asian and Australasian matters for the media. For his academic achievements, he was made a Chevalier de l'Ordre des Palmes académiques in July 1993 and a Chevalier de l'Ordre des arts et des lettres in May 1997.
Work in Progress
Comparative regional integration (EU-Asia) : The EU as a global actor in Asia, Nationalism, ‘nation-building’, regime consolidation and regionalization in Southeast Asia, Domestic politics, religious resurgence in Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand, Migration, globalization and ‘transnationalism’ in Southeast Asia, Australia in their Asian environment
Research Interests
Migration, Nationalism, Southeast Asia, Australia, Domestic politics
Last Publications
- L'Indo-Pacifique : quels contours ? quels enjeux ? (Contribution à un site web)
- Coup d'État en Birmanie : quel avenir pour la démocratie ? (Contribution à un site web)
- "La junte militaire birmane se prend à croire en sa propre propagande" (Contribution à un site web)
- XIIIᵉ congrès du Parti communiste du Viêt Nam : l'art de ne rien changer (Contribution à un site web)
- Asie du Sud-Est : le Covid révèle les failles politiques (Article dans une revue sans comité de lecture)
- Europe rediscovers the Indo-Pacific (Contribution à un site web)
- ASEAN members can still have their cake and eat it too (Contribution à un site web)
- La fin des feux en Australie : conséquences environnementales et géopolitiques (Contribution à un site web)
- Les leaders politiques révélés par le Covid-19 : jusqu’où ira Jacinda Ardern ? (Contribution à un site web)
- COVID-19 and Strongman Rule in the Philippines (Article dans une revue sans comité de lecture)
Online Publications (CERI website)