Carola’s research is located at the interface of political science, human geography and development studies, and examines adaptation to climate change, and the politics of climate change more generally. At the moment, Carola analyses how adaptation finance is distributed as well as how this finance is used on the ground, with a specific interest in island contexts, notably small island developing states. The role of these states in international climate negotiations is also of interest to her.
Carola is co-author of “Development Aid and Adaptation to Climate Change” (London, Palgrave, 2018 ; with Florian Weiler) and currently co-edits a volume on adaptation in small island states that results from a workshop she has co-organised with funding from the Volkswagen Foundation (with Michael Fink).
At CERI, Carola is one of the organisers of the seminar series “Environment
and International Relations”. She teaches the course “Espace Mondial” (World
Politics) on the Franco-German campus of Nancy.
Role of coalitions in international climate negotiations for small (island) states
Development, International relations, Environment
English, French, Swedish, Spanish, Dutch, German

- Compte rendu de "Environmental Justice: Key Issues" (Compte rendu, critique)
- Donor interactions in the allocation of adaptation aid: A network analysis (Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture)
- Seawalls as maladaptations along island coasts (Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture)
- Négocier au sein des négociations : les petits États insulaires, l’Alliance des petits États insulaires et les négociations climatiques (Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture)
- Adaptation to Climate Change: Contemporary Challenges and Perspectives (Chapitre d’ouvrage)
- Les coalitions dans les négociations pour le climat (Contribution à un site web)
- Why Join a Coalition? Climate Change and International Negociation (Contribution à un site web)
- Introduction - Coalitions in the Climate Change Negotiations (Chapitre d’ouvrage)
- Conclusions - Coalitions in the Climate Change Negotiations (Chapitre d’ouvrage)
- Coalitions in the Climate Change Negotiations (Direction d'ouvrage)