
Anaëlle Vergonjeanne
Anaëlle Vergonjeanne is currently enrolled as a PhD student at the CERI, where she works on children in international organizations, under the direction of Frédéric Ramel. She has formerly graduated from Sciences Po with an MRes in international relations and political science, and obtained her Bachelor from Sciences Po Bordeaux.

Her research mainly focuses on vulnerability and gender in IR. She previously conducted research on prostitution in IR, which she found out to be a taboo of international negotiations, and earlier on transnational women movements in the early 20th century.

Currently, her doctoral research focuses on the inclusion of children in international climate change policies. She does so by studying the reception of their mobilisations in multilateral organizations.

Anaëlle Vergonjeanne is also a member of the GRAM, research group on multilateralism labeled and financed by the CNRS. She works on the multilateralism watch group within it. Within the CERI, she is one of the scientific coordinators for the research group "Environment and international relations".

She teaches Bachelor and Master’s students at Sciences Po in Paris and Lille on political science, gender studies and international relations.

Work in Progress

Children and international organizations, International organizations, multilateralism, Sociology of international relations, Childhood studies, Gender studies, Global climate governance

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