
Frédéric Ramel

Full Professor
Phone: +33145495426 -
After his post-doct fellowship at the Raoul Dandurand Chair(University of Quebec at Montreal), Frédéric Ramel was Senior Lecturer in Political Science at Jean Moulin University (Lyon 3) from 2001 to 2007. As Associate Professor, he joined the law school Jean Monnet (University Paris-Sud 11). At the same time, he worked in the Center of Studies and Research at the Ecole Militaire before participating in the creation of the Strategic Research Institute of the Ecole Militaire, where he became his first Scientific Director from 2009 to 2013.
He was elected to the Executive Committee of the Standing Group of International Relations (European Consortium of Political Science) in 2010. He is a founding member and member of the Governing Council of EISA (European International Studies Association): a structure dedicated to the development of academic cooperation in the field of International Relations.

He has published in several peer-reviewed journals: International Studies Perspectives, The Journal of International Political Theory, International Peacekeeping, International Studies, Sociology and Societies, Words, Political Reasons, Revue française de sociologie. French Journal of Political Science. He is involved in several Editorial Boards of academic journals: Etudes internationales, European Review of International Studies, Spanish Yearbook of International Law. He was also expert for the National Fund for Scientific Research of Belgium between 2014 and 2019.
Work in Progress

Perceptions and Uses of Armed Conflict Databases by International Practitioners (ANR Datawar); Musical Policies of the United Nations

Research Interests

Theory of international relations, International organizations

  • Disciplines
  • Keywords
  • Teaching

    - Establishment : Sciences Po, title : "Art et relations internationales", (level : master),

    - Establishment : Sciences Po, title : "Penser la guerre au XXIe siècle" , (level : master),

    - Establishment : Sciences Po, title : "Philosophie des relations internationales", (level : master),

    - Establishment : Sciences Po, title : "Système international et gouvernance globale", (level : master),

    - Establishment : Sciences Po, title : "Théories des relations internationales", (level : licence),

    - Establishment : Sciences Po Strasbourg, title : Nouveaux Champs des relations internationales, since ,(level : master)
  • Languages

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