
Antonela Capelle-Pogacean

Assistant Research Professor with tenure
Phone: +33158717039 -
A historian and political scientist, Antonela Capelle-Pogacean is an Assistant Research Professor with tenure at Sciences (Center for international studies, CERI), jointed in 2003. She holds a PhD in Political Science from Sciences Po Paris (2002).

At the Ecole doctorale of Sciences Po, she teaches within the Master de sociologie politique comparée. She also teaches at the Science’s Po Ecole des affaires publiques (Master Affaires européennes) and at the Science’s Po Collège Universitaire. Her research centers on historical sociology of communism, citizenship, ethnicity, religion and politics. She was formerly Visiting Scholar at Oxford University (Nuffield College, Trinity term 2017)

Member of the editorial board of Critique internationale since 2004.
Work in Progress

Nationalism and the politics of identity in Hungary and Romania, Religion and politics in Romania, Reconstitutions of social beliefs and identities in Hungary and Romania, Consumption and everyday life during communism in Romania, Socio-history of identification, religion and politics

Research Interests

Nationalism, Religion, Social imagery, Hongria, Romania

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