Catherine Perron
Assistant Research Professor with tenurePhone: +33158717065 -
Catherine Perron holds degrees from Sciences Po and the Freie Universität, Berlin.
Joined CERI in 2002 after defending her doctoral dissertation on The transformation of the Czech and Eastern German political elite at the local level after 1989: a comparison of the construction of democracy in two post-communist societies, later published under the title Les Pionniers de la démocratie.
Winner of the Stein Rokkan prize for young researchers (1997) and of the Le Monde prize for university research (2003).
Former Balkan project manager for the association Transeuropéennes (1999-2001); co-editor-in-chief of Critique internationale (2003-2008).
Her current research focuses on politics of history and memory in Germany and in Central and Eastern Europe in relation with forced migrations.
Joined CERI in 2002 after defending her doctoral dissertation on The transformation of the Czech and Eastern German political elite at the local level after 1989: a comparison of the construction of democracy in two post-communist societies, later published under the title Les Pionniers de la démocratie.
Winner of the Stein Rokkan prize for young researchers (1997) and of the Le Monde prize for university research (2003).
Former Balkan project manager for the association Transeuropéennes (1999-2001); co-editor-in-chief of Critique internationale (2003-2008).
Her current research focuses on politics of history and memory in Germany and in Central and Eastern Europe in relation with forced migrations.
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Work in Progress
The politics of history and memory relating to forced migrations in Europe and in Germany; Links between migration memories and the constructions of the migration crisis in Germany; The (new) relational ethics of Common heritages: cultural heritage after forced migrations.
Research Interests
Memory and identity in today’s Germany, forced migrations and policies of the past, memory and heritage of migrations, common heritage.
- Establishment : Sciences Po, title : "Histoire, mémoire et gestion du passé en Europe centrale et orientale" avec Anne Bazin, (level : master),
- Establishment : Universität Stuttgart, title : "Historische und politische Entwicklungen der europäischen Integration", (level : master) -
German, English, Czech

Last Publications
- Reimagining German identity through the politics of history: changing interpretations of German past migrations during the ‘Refugee crisis’, 2015/2016 (Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture)
- Gouverner les frontières comme politique de vie ? (Article dans une revue sans comité de lecture)
- Compte rendu de "Historikerkommissionen und historische Konfliktbewältigung" (Compte rendu, critique)
- Penser la perte. Migrations forcées territoires perdus et politiques de l’histoire (Contribution à un site web)
- Forced Migrations, Lost Territories and the Politics of History. An interview with Catherine Perron and Anne Bazin (Contribution à un site web)
- Methodological Considerations in Addressing the Issue of Forced Migrations, Lost Territories and the Related Politics of History: A Comparative Approach (Chapitre d’ouvrage)
- How to address the loss? Forced migrations, lost territories and politics of history in Germany and Europe in the XXth century (Direction d'ouvrage)
- « Voyages des racines » et mémoire de la Heimat perdue dans la littérature allemande post-unification (Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture)
- Schaffen wir das ? Un enchevêtrement complexe de mémoires des migrations difficiles à concilier (Communication avec actes dans un congrès national)
- “§96 Museums” Against Forgetting?: The Museum as a Key Tool for the Diffusion of Knowledge about the past German Presence in Eastern Europe (Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture)
Online Publications (CERI website)