Permanent faculty

CNRS Research Professor
Contact(s) : 01 58 71 70 43 / 06 23 10 50 83  -
History and historiography of World War II and of the Holocaust in Southeastern Europe, historical sociology of communism and identities, arts and politics
Balkans, Central and Eastern Europe
Bulgaria, Greece, North Macedonia, Serbia
History, Political science
Historical and political sociology, compared politics
Identity and politics, The State and the transformations of the State, Violence and danger management
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Full Professor
Contact(s) : 01 45 49 54 26  -
International organizations and multilateralism, international security, contemporary strategic concepts, art and international relations
Global realm
Political science
International relations
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics, Violence and danger management
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Assistant Research Professor with tenure
Contact(s) :   -
Politics of multiculturalism, legalization of Indian customs, Indian autonomy, "intercultural" justice
Latin America and the Caribbean
Bolivia, Mexico
Sociologie politique
Identity and politics, The State and the transformations of the State
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Research Professor
Contact(s) : 01 58 71 70 49  -
Catastrophes and risks, environment, international organizations
Latin America and the Caribbean
Political and social anthropology
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics, Violence and danger management
Full Professor
Contact(s) : 01 58 71 70 19  -
Social stratification, emergence of the middle class, social contestation, democratization
North-East Asia
Political science
Political sociology
Political participation and mobilization, The State and the transformations of the State
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Research Professor
Contact(s) : 01 58 71 70 50  -
Religion and politics; Russian Orthodox Church; The processes of memorialization (commemoration); Post-Soviet Russia
Russian Federation
Political science, Sociology
Compared politics
Identity and politics, Political participation and mobilization
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Professeure des universités
Contact(s) : 01 58 71 70 30  -
Peacekeeping, Multilateralism, Fieldwork, Military Organizations, Norms, Cultures, Global hierarchies
Caucasus / Central Asia, Central Africa, Middle East, West Africa, Western Europe
Afghanistan, Central African Republic, France, Italy, Lebanon, Mali
Political science
International Relations, security studies, political sociology
Actors and levels of regulation in world politics, The State and the transformations of the State
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Research Professor Emeritus
Contact(s) : 01 58 71 70 51  -
Democratic transition, European integration, EU enlargement, EU neighborhood policies, nationalism, democracy
Balkans, Central and Eastern Europe, Western Europe
Political science
Compared politics, political sociology
Identity and politics, Political participation and mobilization
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