Antidiscrimination Policies
This group is both comparative and pluridisciplinary. Created in 2001, it is co-hosted by Gwénaële Calvès (Université de Cergy-Pontoise) and Daniel Sabbagh (CERI-Sciences Po). The group’s seminar invites jurists, political scientists, as well as sociologists, economists, historians, philosophers or demographers. By doing so, the seminar contributes to - and seeks to decompartmentalize - the scientific debate on discriminations and antidiscrimination actions. The group on Antidiscrimination politics is at the root of many publications and conferences. It also disseminates scientific information on the topic to a wider audience, in a general context in which discrimination has become a public issue. The group has come to be extended within the Alliance de recherche sur les discriminations (ARDIS), which is part of the Genre, inégalités, discriminations network, within Ile-de-France region.
This research group is coorganized with Max Planck Sciences Po Center on Coping with Instability in Market Societies
The sessions of the group take place at CERI, 56 rue Jacob, 75006 Paris.
Please register with Gwénaële Calvès or Daniel Sabbagh
2019 Programme
21 February 2019
17:00-19:00, salle du Conseil, CERI
« Que répondent les employeurs accusés de discrimination ? Une étude empirique »
Emmanuelle Marchal (CNRS/CSO)
Discussant: Gwénaële Calvès (Université de Cergy-Pontoise) 12 April
12 April 2019
17:00-19:00, salle Jean Monnet
« La légitime défense : homicides sécuritaires, crimes racistes et violences policières en France » Vanessa Codaccioni (Université Paris 8/CRESSPA-CSU)
Discussant: Fabien Jobard (CNRS-CESDIP)
Vanessa Codaccioni is the author of the book La légitime défense : homicides sécuritaires, crimes racistes et violences policières (Paris, CNRS éditions, 2018)
10 May 2019
16:30-19:00, salle Jean Monnet, CERI
« Trier, policer, exclure : vies urbaines en Afrique du Sud et au Nigeria »
Laurent Fourchard (Sciences Po/CERI)
Discussants: Emmanuel Blanchard (Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye/CESDIP) and François Bonnet (politiste, CNRS/PACTE).
Laurent Fourchard is the author of the book Trier, policer, exclure : vies urbaines en Afrique du Sud et au Nigeria (Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2018)