Democracy, Security and Surveillance
The CERI DSS research group is based on the new Democracy, Security and Surveillance course created for the doctoral school by Didier Bigo and Benoît Pelopidas in 2020.
This group brings together participants in research projects led by the two group leaders (ANR GUARDINT and VULPAN; ERC NUCLEAR) that study the effects on democratic practices of technological devices such as nuclear weapons systems and surveillance technologies. Researchers from CERI or other Sciences Po laboratories (notably CEVIPOF and Médialab) as well as international specialists on these issues, and colleagues and researchers from King's College London, Cambridge University, Oxford, and Queen Mary will join us depending on the topic.
The group's main objective is to produce conceptual and methodological advances published in the form of review essays by the doctoral students in charge of reporting on the sessions. PhD students will be integrated into ongoing research and will learn how to set up projects and conferences themselves, as the year will end with a day that they will have to organise themselves.
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