Environnement and International Relations
Carola Kloeck (assistant professor, Sciences Po-CERI)
Sarah Tegas (doctorante, Sciences Po-CERI)
Since 2013, the Center for International Studies (CERI) hosts a research group on environmental and climate-related issues. The “Environment and international relations” seminar lies at the heart of the research group and regularly hosts speakers from various disciplinary and thematic horizons. Upcoming sessions are listed on the right side of the page. Below, the “archive” section presents information on past sessions.
After a long break due to the ongoing pandemic, we are glad to announce that the seminar has re-started! Due to the current situation, we moved all sessions online. If you register for one of our events, you will receive a Zoom link shortly before the session starts. We hope that we will be able to host on-site events at the beginning of the next academic year. We will do our best to maintain a hybrid format and allow remote connections.
The seminar usually takes place every month at the Center for International Studies (CERI) in Paris (28, rue des Saints-Pères, 75007), mostly on Wenesday from 5 to 6.30 pm.
The seminar is now a member of the Paris Research Centre, a component of the Earth System Governance network. The network gathers researchers from all over the world, especially social scientists, who take interest in environmental governance and sustainability.

Contact Sarah Tegas to be registered on our networks
Séminaire Environnement et Relations Internationales
Calendrier de séances 2024-2025
le séminaire a normalement lieu le mercredi de 17h à 18h30, au CERI (28 rue St Pères), salle S.1;
il y a l’option de participation virtuelle via zoom
# 1 | 11 septembre 2024
Paula Castro (ZHAW) :
National negotiation positions and international climate policy: The role of market incentives
discussant : Carola Klöck (CERI, Sciences Po Paris)
# 2 | 23 octobre 2024
Jean-Philippe Cointet (médialab, Sciences Po Paris) :
Multilateralism of the Marginal: Least Developed Countries and International Climate Negotiations, 1995–2016
discussant : Sarah Tegas (CERI, Sciences Po Paris)
# 3 | 20 novembre 2024
Fengshi WU (Australian National University):
Authoritarian Environmentalism at Work and Contested: Comparative Analysis of China, Vietnam and Kazakhstan
discutant: Jérôme Doyon (CERI)
# 4 | 27 novembre 2024
joint session with LIEPP
David Gordon (University of California Santa Cruz) :
Stitching Cities into the Global Climate Regime: Transparency Practices along the Global-Local Continuum
discussant : Charlotte Halpern (CEE, Sciences Po Paris)
29 January (17:00 - 18:30)
Prof. Alexandre Agripa Faria (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Bresil): "What utopias and dilemmas sustain European and Brazilian environmental movements in the era of climate change?"
Discussant: Livia Kalil (PhD student, IHEAL, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle)
# 5 | 12 février 2025
Jos Debelke (EUI) :
Global climate action and the EU Green Deal
discussant : Marc Baudry (Paris Nanterre)
# 6 | mars 2025
joint session with IDDRI/GRAM
Lisanne Groen (Open University) :
The functions of the negotiations on a new international treaty to tackle plastic pollution beyond treaty text writing
discussant : tbc
# 7 | 16 avril 2025
Hayley Walker (IESEG School of Management) :
Non-State actors in climate change negotiations : The evolution of their role and contribution to the UNFCCC and possible future developments
discussant : Joost de Moor (tbc)
Evénements passés
Séminaire Environnement et Relations Internationales Calendrier de séances 2023-2024
Séance 1 | 26 septembre 2023 (mardi !)
Benito Muller (Oxford University) : Innovative Sources of Climate Finance
The aim of this Seminar showcase a couple of innovative sources of climate finance for the Adaptation Fund and the Loss and Damage Fund of the Paris Agreement, in particular two types of International Climate Solidarity Levies, namely an air-ticket levy (modelled after the French solidarity levy for UNITAID), and a Share of Proceeds from the Voluntary Carbon Market (modelled on the SOP in Art. 6.4 of the Paris Agreement).
Lien vers l’événement
Séance 2 | 25 octobre 2023
Thomas Bernauer (ETH Zurich) : « Outsourcing » environmental impacts of consumption : Sustainability Governance of Global Supply Chains
La séance sera discutée par Rosanne Logeart (Paris School of Economics)
The first part of the presentation will focus on the extent to which high-income democratic countries are “outsourcing” environmental impacts of consumption to other countries via global supply chains. It will also shed light on the main policy instruments that are, thus far, used in trying to mitigate such outsourcing. The second part will then center on political obstacles to internalizing environmental impacts of consumption, with a focus on research results from choice experiments on consumer and citizen preferences on sustainability governance of global supply chains.
Séance 3 | 8 novembre 2023
Brendan Coolsaet (FNRS/UCLouvain) : Exploring environmental justice in France: Evidence, movements, and ideas
Valérie Deldrève (INRAE)
This presentation explores the distinctiveness of French and francophone approaches to environmental justice. We first take stock of the empirical evidence of environmental injustices and inequalities in France. We then introduce some of the theoretical origins and discuss some of the main insights from the French literature in light of contemporary environmental justice scholarship.
Séance 4 | 14 février 2024
Marian Feist (Hertie School of Governance) : Negotiating the Green Climate Fund : Lessons for International Climate Cooperation
The Green Climate Fund (GCF), the largest dedicated climate finance institution, offers important lessons for the new loss-and-damage fund that is currently being created. This presentation takes a look back at the GCF negotiations. Why was there a push for a new fund? What has characterised its political dynamics?
What can it teach us about the structural and procedural challenges in other issue areas?
Séance 5 | 10 avril 2024
Marc Ringel (PSIA, Sciences Po Paris) : European Green Deal: assessing previous national commitments
The European Green Deal rests on the implementation of key energy and climate directives such as the energy efficiency directive or the renewable energy directives. In addition, Member States need to coordinate policies and measures in their updated National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs). This contribution takes stock of the existing commitments that will allow to discuss the implementation and potential future of the Green Deal.
Programme et calendrier d’activités pour l’année académique 2022-2023
Séance 1 | 04 octobre 2022
- Intervenante : Kari de Pryck (Université de Genève)
- Discutant : Luis Rivera-Velez (Université de Lausanne)
Séance 2 | 25 octobre 2022
Quo Vadis COP ? The Future of Climate Summits
- Intervenant : Benito Müller (Oxford University)
- Discutante : Neringa Mataitytė (Vilnius University)
Séance 3 | 22 novembre 2022
La mobilisation du secteur philanthropique européen pour le climat
- Intervenante : Anne Monier (ESSEC)
- Discutant : Edouard Morena (University of London Institute in Paris)
Séance 4 | 21 février 2023
La négociation du traité de la haute mer et l’influence des États latino-américains et caribéens
- Intervenant : Kévin Parthenay (Université de Tours)
- Discutant : Tiago Pires da Cruz (Sciences Po Bordeaux)
Séance 5 | 21 mars 2023
- Intervenante : Ulrike Zeigermann (Université de Würzburg, Allemagne)
- Discutante : Kari de Pryck (University of Geneva)
La séance aura lieu en format hybride, organisée en partenariat avec Civica
Séance 6 | 18 avril 2023
Exceptionally wicked? How dilemmas in climate activism relate to the super-wicked nature of climate change
- Intervenant : Joost de Moor (CEE, Sciences Po Paris)
- Discutant : Maxime Gaborit (Université de St Louis, Belgique/Sciences Po Paris)
Séance 7 | 2 mai 2023
L’océanisation des politiques publiques environnementales
- Intervenante : Gaëlle Ronsin (ENS-PSL)
- Discutante : Claire Duboscq (Sciences Po Paris)
Séance 8 | 31 mai 2023
Exploring environmental justice in France: Evidence, movements, and ideas
- Intervenant : Brendan Coolsaet (FNRS/UCLouvain)
- Discutante : Anaëlle Vergonjeanne (CERI, Sciences Po Paris)
Séance 9 | 05 juin 2023
Les engagements écologiques des acteurs religieux
- Intervenant : Sylvie Ollitrault (ISP Nanterre) et Lucas Faure (Mesopolhis)
Evénement organisé en partenariat avec le Centre méditerranéen de sociologie, de science politique et d’histoire (MESOPOLHIS, UMR 7064) et le Groupe de recherche sur l'écologie politique (GREP) de l'Association Française de Science Politique (AFSP).
Sauf indication contraire, les séances ont lieu en présentiel au CERI (28 rue St Pères, 75006 Paris).