The EU and the Indo-Pacific What Strategy, with which Partners?


The Indo-Pacific is one of the priorities of the French Presidency of the EU Council which begins in January 2022 for six months. Paris is keen to make the Indo-Pacific a pillar of the EU’s foreign policy. But do other country members share the French vision of the region and what about other western partners, including the US? Last but not least, what do the countries of the Indo-Padific region expect from Europe? This two-day conference will try to respond to these questions. It will also focus on the security issues resulting from the military built-up in the region - where China is expanding its influence.   


Introduction: Christophe Jaffrelot, Sciences Po CERI/CNRS

How do the EU and Key Member Countries See the Indo-Pacific?

Chair and discussant: Raphaëlle Khan, City University of New York
Gudrun Wacker, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik - Berlin - The EU policy and the Indo-Pacific
Christian Wagner
, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik / German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) - The German approach of the Indo-Pacific
Nicolas Blarel
, Leiden University - The Dutch view of the Indo-Pacific
Hugo Meijer
, Sciences Po CERI/CNRS - The French strategy for the Indo-Pacific

What Western Partners for Europe in the Indo-Pacific?

Chair and discussant: David Camroux, CERI-Sciences Po/CNRS
Garima Mohan, German Marshall Fund - Berlin - The US Indo-Pacific Strategy and the EU
Alessio Patalano, King’s College - London - Global Britain and the EU in the Indo-Pacific
Keynote adress: France and the European Indo-Pacific Strategy: How to Meet the Expectations of the Region's Partners?
Christophe Pénot, Ambassador for the Indo-Pacific, French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs
Chair: Christophe Jaffrelot, Sciences Po - CERI / CNRS
Discussant: Amrita Narlikar, German Institute for Global and Area Studies' Presiden


The Partners of Europe in the Indo-Pacific Region

Chair and discussant: Patrick Köllner, German Institute for Global and Aeras Studies
Delphine Allès, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales and Eric Frecon, Singapore university of social sciences - What does "ASEAN’s Centrality” Mean for the EU ? 
Antoine Bondaz, Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique - South Korea as an Indo-Pacific power: a Partner Underestimated by too many Europeans " 
Guibourg Delamotte, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales - Japan, a Partner for France and the EU in the Indo-Pacific
David Camroux, Sciences Po-CERI - Australia's Indo-Pacific and the EU
Walter Ladwig, King’s College - London - India: a Partner for the EU, for France and for UK?

 Security issues and the military build-up in the Indo-Pacific

Chair and discussant: Marjorie Vanbaelinghem, Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l'École Militaire
Mathieu Duchâtel, Institut Montaigne - The People's Liberation Army: Strengths and Vulnerabilities in the Taiwan Strait
Marianne Péron Doise, Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l'École Militaire - Coast-guards in the Indo-Pacific : defending good order at sea
Christian Wirth, German Institute for Global and Aeras Studies - Collective versus Cooperative Security: Europe’s Struggle to Navigate the Indo-Pacific Clash of “Rules-based Orders”
Nicolas Regaud, Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l'École Militaire - Strategic stakes and military role for the Europeans

Scientific coordinators : Christophe Jaffrelot, Sciences Po-CERI / CNRS, David Camroux, Sciences Po - CERI, Patrick Köllner, GIGA and Amrita Narlikar, GIGA.

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