Franco-Czech Europe Dialogue
This research forum was first launched in 2009 between CERI and the Institute of International Relations(IIR) in Prague. It consists in a yearly seminar taking place alternatively in Prague and in Paris around Czech and French scholars dealing with a European topic. Christian Lequesne and Jacques Rupnik (CERI) and Petr Kratochvil (IIR) are responsible for the organization of the meetings.
The previous seminar, which took place in Paris on 11 May 2014, was about “The enlargement of the European Union. Ten years after”. Several contributions to this seminar have been published in the Central European Journal of International and Security Studies (2015).
The 2015 seminar was organized in Prague on 11 June on the topic of “Russo-Ukrainian Crisis and the Consequences for the EU”. CERI and IIR scholars dealt with three main issues in the successive panels: the consequences of the Ukrainian conflict for the EU Neighbourhood Policy, the domestic determinants of the French and Czech Russian policies, and the future of Russian economy and domestic politics.