Immigration, Transnationalism and Development: the State of the Question


Séminaire du 02/07/2015

Séminaire du groupe de recherche Migrations et mobilités du CERI

avec: Alejandro Portes, Princeton University

Discutant: Thomas Lacroix, MIGRINTER

Alejandro Portes is Howard Harrison and Gabrielle Snyder Beck Professor of Sociology (Emeritus) at Princeton University and Research Professor at the University of Miami. His most recent publications are Institutions Count: Their Role and Significance in Latin American Development (with Lori D. Smith – University of California Press, 2012) and Immigrant America: A Portrait, IV Edition (with Rubén Rumbaut – University of California Press, 2014). His current research interests are on the comparative study of the immigrant second generation and the role of immigrant transnational organizations in socio-economic development.

Responsables scientifiques: Anne de Tinguy (INALCO/Sciences Po-CERI), Catherine Wihtol de Wenden (Sciences Po-CERI/CNRS), Hélène Thiollet (Sciences Po-CERI/CNRS) et Thibaut Jaulin (Sciences Po-CERI)


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