Research Group on Multilateral Action (GRAM)

 GRAM Research Seminar CERI Sciences Po
Photo by Sarah Tanke


Organizers of the GRAM research seminar

Guillaume Devin (Full Professor at Sciences Po, CERI)
Mathilde Leloup
(PhD candidate at Sciences Po, CERI)
Sarah Tanke
(PhD candidate at Sciences Po, CERI)

The GRAM research seminar is organized in cooperation with Sciences Po’s Doctoral school and the CERI (Center for International Studies).


In a socio-historical and transdisciplinary perspective, the research seminar on multilateralism aims at questioning change at the international level with a focus on international organizations. The seminar is less meant as a space for presenting ongoing work and rather as an opportunity for collective research discussion: questions on the state of the research, on methods and on results of the research presented by the speaker are prioritized.

Since 1 January 2020, GRAM has become "Groupement de recherche sur l'action multilatérale" as a structure financed and approved by the CNRS. Read the text Thinking Multilateralism: A Research Programme Supported and Funded by the CNRS, written by Frédéric Ramel and Guillaume Devin.

Venue, time and registration

Unless indicated otherwise, each session takes place on a Thursday, from 5pm-7pm, at CERI (56 rue Jacob, 75006 Paris). Online registration is required and possible here.


The GRAM seminar is a research seminar. It is open to all, but mainly aimed at an academic audience, from students to professors from any institution. In order to be added to the GRAM mailing list, please contact Sarah Tanke.

Program 2019-2020

3 September 2019 (exceptionally on Tuesday, 5pm-7pm)
Governing through Goals: Sustainable Development Goals as Governance Innovation
Frank Biermann (University of Utrecht)
Sébastien Treyer (IDDRI)
Session co-organized with the IDDRI and the seminar Enviroement and international relations

3 October 2019
Pourquoi les organisations internationales détestent-elles la politique ? Dépolitiser le monde
Marieke Louis (Sciences Po Grenoble)
Lucile Maertens (University of Lausanne)
Milena Dieckhoff (University Clermont Auvergne)

9 October 2019 (exceptionally on Wednesday, 5pm-7pm)
Multilateralism and development       recording here
Joseph Stiglitz (Columbia University)

24 October 2019
L'organisation des ministères des Affaires étrangères : entre le bilatéral et le multilatéral. Approches comparées
Maurice Vaïsse (Sciences Po)
Hans-Dieter Heumann (University of Bonn, former German ambassador)
Yves Saint Geours (former ambassador)
Guillaume Devin (Sciences Po)

21 November 2019
Les droits humains dans les opérations de paix. L'état des pratiques
Chloé Marnay-Baszanger (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights)
Izadora Xavier do Monte (University Lille 2)
Jessika Eichler (Sciences Po)

12 December 2019
Dans la zone grise : L'évolution des pratiques du Conseil de sécurité  -  cancelled
Vincent Pouliot (University McGill)
Mélanie Albaret (University Clermont Auvergne)
Franck Petiteville (Sciences Po Grenoble)

30 January 2020
Science et coopération internationale dans les pôles  -  cancelled
Jérôme Chappellaz (Institut Paul-Emilie Victor)
Camille Escudé (Sciences Po)

6 February 2020
La politique étrangère du Brésil de J. Bolsonaro : un défi pour le multilatéralisme ?
Carlos Milani (Institute of Social and Political Studies of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (IESP-UERJ))

13 February 2020
Multilateralism in Global Tax Policy: The role of the OECD
Tibor Hanappi (OECD)
Jérôme Sgard (Sciences Po)
Gustav Kalm (Columbia University)

19 March 2020
La gouvernance de l’Internet  -  cancelled
Murilo Vieira Komniski (UNESCO/Brazilian Foreign Office)

2 April 2020
Une sociologie politique des régionalismes  -  cancelled
Kévin Parthenay (University of Tours)
Laurie Servières (Sciences Po)

14 May 2020
Les Nations unies et le marché de la biométrie électorale en Afrique  -  cancelled
Marielle Debos (University Paris Nanterre)
Léonard Colomba-Petteng (Sciences Po)

18 June 2020
Participatory session: Les méthodes de recherche et l'étude des organisations internationales
Fanny Badache (University of Lausanne)
Lucile Maertens (University of Lausanne)


Previous seminar programmes

GRAM research seminar program 2019-2020

GRAM research seminar program 2018-2019

GRAM research seminar program 2017-2018


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