Ukraine : la guerre de Poutine - Anne de Tinguy (ed.)
Anne de Tinguy (ed.)
Les Dossiers du CERI, April 2022.
The "special military operation" launched in Ukraine on 24 February by Vladimir Putin is in fact a high-intensity war that marks a tipping point. One month after the beginning of the offensive, the result expected by the Kremlin does not seem to have been achieved. The human and material toll is extremely high. Why has Russia engaged so violently in an operation that seems likely to produce only casualties? Is this war the symptom of a neo-imperialism that continues to permeate Moscow's view of Ukraine thirty years after the collapse of the Soviet empire? Is it the result of a conflict between two development models, the authoritarian and conservative one carried by Russia and the democratic and liberal one carried by the West? This Dossier du CERI focuses on the stakes and consequences of this conflict.