CERI Strategy Papers

Media Relations:
Karolina Michel, michel@ceri-sciences-po.org, tél.+33158717007
Edited by Peter Herrly and Hugo Meijer in collaboration with Nathalie Boll
The US “Rebalance” Towards Asia: Transatlantic Perspectives
N°16 - 06/2013
Emily B. Landau
Facing Iran's Military Nuclear Ambitions: The International Challenge and Israel's Concerns
N°15 - 05/2013
Mark Fitzpatrick
The Worrisome State: Assessing North Korea’s Security Challenges
N°14 - 10/2012
Ashley J. Tellis
Managing Frenemies: What Should the United States Do About Pakistan?
N°13 - 10/2011
Brahma Chellaney
The China-India-Pakistan Triangle: Scenarios for the 21st Century
N°8 - 09/2010
Stefan Forss
Russian Military Thinking and Threat Perception: A Finnish View
N°5 - 11/2009
Dr. Vladimir A. ORLOV
US-Russia Dialogue on Nuclear Nonproliferation and Arms Control: What it Means for Europe and the World
N°4 - 09/2009