Conference Forms of Life and Law 2018
Photo JR P/CC BY-NC 2.0/FlickR/Beauford Delaney
Watch, rewatch and share our conference videos:
Round Table 1 Forms of Life, Law/ Formes de vie, Droit
Round Table 2 Persons, human nature and law/ Personne, nature humane et droit
Round Table 3 Forms of law, forms of life and social forms/ Formes du droit, formes de vie, formes sociales
Round Table 4 Law and indeterminacy of life forms/ Droit et indétermination des formes de vie
Forms of life and Law / Formes de vie et droit
Sciences Po Paris, 22/23 May 2018
Salle Goguel, 56 rue des Saints-Pères
"FOLIE" & GDRI "Formes de vie"
Foreward Forms of Life and Law/ Formes de vie et droit (PDF, 262 Ko)
22 May
10.00 – 13.00:
Prelude / Prélude
Loïc Azoulai, Estelle Ferrarese & Sandra Laugier
Forms of life, Law / Formes de vie, Droit
Round table moderated by Veronica Corcodel (FOLIE)
- Piergiorgio Donatelli (Rome Sapienza)
- Marielle Macé (EHESS)
- Alain Pottage (LSE)
- Mikhaïl Xifaras (Sciences Po)
15.00 – 16.30:
Forms of law, forms of life, social forms / Formes du droit, formes de vie, formes sociales
Round table moderated by Estelle Ferrarese (GDRI Formes de vie)
- Bruno Karsenti (EHESS)
- Olivier Jouanjan (Panthéon-Assas Paris II)
- Frédéric Audren (Sciences Po)
17.00 – 18.30:
Persons, human nature and law / Personne, nature humaine et droit
Round table moderated by Hanna Eklund (FOLIE)
- Paola Marrati (Johns Hopkins)
- Paolo Napoli (EHESS)
- Sarah Trotter (LSE)
23 May
10.00 – 13.00:
Law and Indeterminacy of Life Forms / Droit et indétermination des formes de vie
Round table moderated by Loïc Azoulai (FOLIE)
- Estelle Ferrarese (GDRI Formes de vie)
- Stéphanie Hennette-Vauchez (Paris Nanterre)
- Julie Saada (Sciences Po)
- Carlo Salzani (Independent scholar)
About the participants:
- Frédéric Audren – Law and Social Sciences. “Bruno Latour's Legal Anthropology” in Reza Benakar, Max Travers (ed.), Law & Social Theory (Hart, 2013)
- Loïc Azoulai – European Law. Constructing the Person in EU law. Rights, Roles, Identities (Hart, 2016)
- Veronica Corcodel – Law & Critique. Modern Law and Otherness: The Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion in Comparative Legal Thought (Edward Elgar, forthcoming 2018)
- Piergiorgio Donatelli – Moral Philosophy. Manières d’être humain (Vrin, 2015)
- Hanna Eklund – European Law. “Judicial Review and Social Progress – In the Work of Mauro Cappelletti and Today” International Journal of Constitutional Law (ICON) (2016)
- Estelle Ferrarese – Moral & Political Philosophy. “Politiques des formes de vie” Raisons politiques (2015)
- Stéphanie Hennette-Vauchez – Law, Law & Gender. L'analyse juridique de (x). Le droit parmi les sciences sociales (Kimé, 2016)
- Olivier Jouanjan – Law, Legal Thought. Justifier l’injustifiable. L’ordre du discours nazi (PUF, 2017)
- Bruno Karsenti – Philosophy and Social Sciences. La société en personnes. Etudes durkheimiennes (Economica, 2006).
- Sandra Laugier – Philosophy. Recommencer la philosophie. Stanley Cavell et la philosophie en Amérique (Vrin, 2014)
- Marielle Macé – French Literature. Styles. Critiques de nos formes de vie (Gallimard, 2016)
- Paola Marrati – Philosophy & Gender Studies. “The Novelty of Life” Constellations (2011)
- Paolo Napoli – Law & Normativity. Aux origines des cultures juridiques européennes. Yan Thomas entre droit et sciences sociales (Editions de l’École Française de Rome, 2014)
- Alain Pottage – Law, Legal theory, Anthropology. “Law after anthropology. Object and technique in Roman law'” Theory, Culture & Society (2014)
- Julie Saada – Philosophy and Law. Le droit, entre théorie et critique, avec M. Xifaras, Chambéry, (Lextenso, 2017)
- Carlo Salzani – Philosophy & Humanities. Agamben’s Philosophical Lineage (Edinburgh UP, 2017)
- Sarah Trotter – Law, Legal theory and Human Rights. “The ethos of replaceability in European human rights law” in On Replacement. Cultural, Social and Psychological Representations (MacMillan, 2018)