Fields of Research
Field: 1 - Actors and levels of regulation in world politics
Lead by: Frédéric Ramel and Ariel Colonomos
Primary members: Bertrand Badie, Thierry Balzacq, Samy Cohen, Dominique Colas, Ariel Colonomos, Anne de Tinguy, Guillaume Devin, Jean-Luc Domenach, Jean-Pierre Filiu, Ronald Hatto, Carola Klöck, Hélène Le Bail, Christian Lequesne, Hugo Meijer, Frédéric Ramel
Secondary members: François Bafoil, Stéphanie Balme, Olivier Dabène, Marie Mendras, Benoit Pelopidas, Karoline Postel-Vinay, Sandrine Revet, Jérôme Sgard, Hélène Thiollet, Eric Verdeil
This topic gathers projects and research agendas in International Relations interested in the analysis of foreign policies, international organizations, conflicts, strategy and defense, and the environment. CERI staff working on this area majoritarily follow a qualitative approach, both sociological and normative, within an international debate that is often too focused on the rational choice paradigm.
This topic aims to explore the role of values and ideas in the definition of the politics of the international, mainly in three domains:
- War and peace
- Norms and international relations
- When the local and the global meet
- Europe's external action and the dual challenges of limited statehood and contested orders (H2020 "EU-LISTCO")
- Migration governance and asylum crises (H2020 "MAGYC")
- Sociology of foreign policy and diplomatic practices
- Narratives of the global: contesting and converging stories of global order
- Research group on Environment and international relations
- Research group on multilateralism
- Research group on International, politics, philosophy
- Research group on Comparative regionalism