Africa: Citizenship, Violence and Politics
Richard Banégas, Laurent Fourchard, Roland Marchal and Sandrine Perrot
This research group was launched in 2012. It aims to encourage in-depth discussions on citizenship crises and situations of political violence in Africa. The starting point of our reflection is that most violent situations that cross the African continent are more or less related to crises of citizenship.
Most conflicts have to do with the question of rights (political, social, economic, land and other), their recognition and, basically, the question of the imaginary and social contours of society - even if they are redefined concurrently by the state and/or by private actors who sometimes take control of the street and public space through violence.
By focusing on some of these actors (in particular self-defence groups, militias and other “vigilants”) who sometimes claim to be new sovereigns of local or national space, we wish to reflect on the reconfiguration of public spaces and state-society relations by going beyond qualifications in terms of privatization of violence or informalization of security.
Based in part on current events on the continent, the research group “Africa: Citizenship, Violence and Politics” takes the form of a seminar that is open to all. It aims to provide insight into research on situations of political violence south of the Sahara and to offer an alternative reading to the media and expert perspectives of these “crisis” situations. It values empirical surveys and innovative methodological approaches and aims to offer a broader reflection on the analytical frameworks used to think about the relationships between citizenship crises and political violence in Africa and elsewhere.
As a platform for reflection open to all specialists working on the continent, the “Africa: citizenship, violence and politics” group at CERI pursues a scientific objective. Through the public debates it encourages, the group also aims to disseminate academic knowledge in society. Finally, it aims to be a place of training and socialization in Africanist research for all students from Sciences Po and elsewhere who are interested in these issues.
Podcast: "Cameroun: Violences régionales, stabilité nationale et longévité politique", Roundtable, 23/11/2018
In collaboration with l'Association des chercheurs de Politique africaine (ACPA)
Fred Eboko, IRD
Marie-Emmanuelle Pommerolle, Université de Paris I
Nadine Machikou, Université de Yaoundé II
Scientific advisor: Sandrine Perrot
Podcast: "Crise de l'ethno-fédéralisme et réorientation du Developmental State en Ethiopie", Roundtable, 06/11/2018
In collaboration with the Association des chercheurs de Politique africaine (ACPA)
Sabine Planel, IRD, IMAF
Mehdi Labzaé, Université de Paris 1
Eloi Ficquet, EHESS
Scientific board: Sandrine Perrot, Richard Banégas, Laurent Fourchard and Roland Marchal
Podcast: "Angola 2017: l'hégémonie du MPLA à l'épreuve des urnes", Roundtable, 03/10/2017
In collaboration with the journal Politique africaine
Ricardo Soares de Oliveira, Oxford Universty,
Didier Péclard, Université de Genève, co-editor of Politique africaine,
Chloé Buyre, CNRS-Les Afriques dans le Monde, Bordeaux
Juliana Lima, Université Paris 1
Chair and Scientific advisor:
Richard Banégas, Sciences Po-CERI
Credit photo : Brandan Reynolds, avec l'aimable autorisation de l'auteur
Podcast: "Revisiter les élections par les Suds", Roundtable,18/09/2017
In collaboration with PIAF, the research group "Travailleurs de l'élection : du local au transnational", the journal Politique africaine and the Association des chercheurs de politique africaine
Sandrine Perrot, Sciences Po-CERI
Layla Bamara, Université d'Aix
Marie-Emmanuelle Pommerolle, Director of IFRA in Nairobi
Nic Cheeseman, University of Birmingham
Hélène Combes, Sciences Po-CERI, CNRS,
Richard Banégas, Sciences Po-CERI,
Etienne Smith, Chaire d'Etudes africaines comparées de Rabat
Scientific advisor:
Sandrine Perrot, Sciences Po-CERI
Credit photo : MINUSMA/Marco Dormino, Bamako, 11 août 2013
In collaboration with Association des Chercheurs de Politique africaine (ACPA) and the journal Politique africaine
Kako Nubukpo, directeur de la francophonie économique et numérique à l'OIF, chercheur associé à Oxford, University College et auteur, avec Bruno Tinel, Martial-Ze Belinga et Demba Moussa Dembélé, de Sortir l'Afrique de la servitude monétaire : A qui profite le franc CFA ?, aux éditions La dispute, 2016
Boris Samuel, Associate Faculty, Sciences Po-CERI
Discussants :
Bruno Théret, Université Paris Dauphine,
Benjamin Lemoine, Université Paris Dauphine,
Richard Banégas, Sciences Po-CERI
Conference within the framework of the Research Group Afrique : citoyenneté, violence et politique
Louisa Lombard, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Yale University, author of State of Rebellion: Violence and Intervention in the Central African Republic, Zed Book, 2016,
Marielle Debos, Assistant Professor, Université Paris Nanterre, Institute for social sciences of politics (ISP), Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), author of Living by the Gun in Chad: Combatants, Impunity and State Formation, Zed Book, 2016
Sandrine Perrot, Sciences Po-CERI, CNRS
Scientific board:
Sandrine Perrot, Richard Banégas, Roland Marchal, Laurent Fourchard
20 June 2014
Conflict(ing) views: War and post-war Ugandan studio photography
with Martina Bacigalupo, author of Gulu Real Art Studio, Steidl, The Walther collection, 2013
VIDEO: Martina Bacigalupo presents her work as a photographer
Jean-Paul Colleyn, EHESS
Dominique Malaquais, Centre d'études des mondes africains (CEMAf/CNRS)
Florence Brisset-Foucault, University of Cambridge, Trinity College