L’histoire nucléaire de la France. Bilan et perspectives
Manifestation organisée en partenariat avec l'Université Sorbonne Paris Cité (USPC) à l'occasion du 20ème anniversaire de trois études cruciales :
Introduction and presentation of the USPC Security Chair
- Alain Dieckhoff, Workshop presentation: 00.00.00 – 00.08.03 (F)
- Benoît Pelopidas, Chair presentation: 00.08.23 – 00.26.53 (F)
- William Walker, Reflections on the relevance of a security studies chair focusing on nuclear vulnerability: 00.27.00 – 00.34.03 (E)
- Benoît Pelopidas, Presentation of the Chair’s members, activities, and publications: 00.34.05 – 00.41.50 (F)
- Roberto Cantoni, Short summary of the paper « What’s in a Pipe ? »: 00.41.52 – 00.43.53 (F)
- BP, Continuation of the presentation of the Chair + Presentation of panels: 00.43.55 – 00.57.00 (F)
Panel 1: Transnationalize French nuclear experience
William Walker, session chair, presents the panel: 00.57.08 – 00.58.34 (E)
- Jayita Sarkar, New perspectives on French-Indian cooperation: 00.58.36 – 01.18.20 (E)
- Anna-Mart van Wyk, Links between France and South Africa: 01.18.54 – 01.46.20 (E)
- Anna Konieckzna, New sources on the links between France and South Africa: 01.46.30 – 02.00.50 (F)
- Béatrice Heuser: 02.01.02 – 02.06.20 (E)
- Roberto Cantoni: 02.06.25 – 02.15.00 (E)
Q&A Panel 1: 02.15.30 – 02.40.44
Panel 2: Advances on the governance of nuclear weapons in France
Thierry Balzacq, session chair, presents the panel: 00.00.01 – 00.02.50 (F)
- Benoit Pelopidas and Sébastien Philippe, On the Foundations of Nuclear Bonapartism: Gaullist networks, the French Atomic Energy Commission and the legacy of wartime clandestine action: 00.03.04 – 00.15.30 (F)
- Grey Anderson, French intellectuals and nuclear debate in the 1980s: 00.15.33 – 00.29.30 (E)
- Yannick Pincé, The French political debate on nuclear energy in the 1980s: 00.29.50 – 00.44.20 (F)
- Florent Pouponneau, The effects of the end of Cold War on French non-proliferation policies: 00.44.21 – 00.59.03 (F)
- Dominique Mongin: 00.59.20 – 01.18.15 (F)
- Beatrice Heuser: 01.18.20 – 01.27.51 (F)
Q&A: 01.27.52 – 2.15.52
Panel 3: Security and safety: the temporal challenges
Benoît Pelopidas, session chair, presents the panel: 02.16.00 – 02.17.50
- Miyuki Tsuchyia: An analysis of catastrophes from a comparative perspective: 02.17.54 – 02.37.13
- Julie Blanck: Governing the long term: the role of ANDRA: 02.37.15 – 02.54.40 (F)
- Leny Patinaux: The administration of waste burying safety: 02.54.41 – 03.10.25 (F)
- Benoit Pelopidas: The memorialization of the Cuban Crisis in France: 03.10.35 – 03.32.18 (F)
- Sezin Topcu: Governance of the French nuclear contestation: 03.32.25 – 03.57.55 (F)
- Karena Kalmbach: 03.58.00 – 04.09.25 (E)
Q&A: 04.09.31 – 04.29.39