Nationalism as a Liberal Project: Constructed Myths, Contested Narratives and Systems of Meaning
Séminaire du 15/05/2017
En partenariat avec la Chaire de recherche du Canada en études québécoises et canadiennes (CREQC), UQAM
organisent un cycle de séminaires:
L'Avenir des nations : continuité et ruptures/ The Future of Nations : Continuity and Breaks
Nationalism as a Liberal Project: Constructed Myths, Contested Narratives and Systems of Meaning
With :
Uriel Abulof, Tel Aviv University & Princeton University
The Return of the National Tribe and the Cracks in the Liberal Social Contracts
Alain-G. Gagnon, Université du Québec, Montréal
Nationalism under Scrutiny : Failures of the Nation-States and Promises of Liberal Nationalism and Multinational Federalism
Responsables scientifiques: Alain Dieckhoff (Sciences Po-CERI, CNRS) et Alain-G.Gagnon (CREQC-UQAM)