Adam Freeman

Junior Researcher

Adam Freeman studied at the universities of St Andrews, Chicago, and Oxford, where from 2011-2015 he wrote a doctoral thesis in the Department of Politics and International Relations. Before going to Oxford he was Assistant Editor of the journal *Ethics & International Affairs* at the Carnegie Council for Ethics and International Affairs in New York.

He is interested in the 20th century history and 21st century future of global political thought and ethics.

Titled ‘“Not a Magic Concept, But What We Do Every Day”: A Paraethnography of Global Internet Governance,’ his thesis project re-read the ways that Internet technology articulates with global political understanding from the inside out. It posed to current practices of Internet governance the question of philosophical anthropology, that is, What is this possibility of (in the words of one global Internet governor) “creative spaces filled up by people”?

His project at Futurepol continues the interest in spaces in which people attempt to gain political existence on behalf of new ways of imagining global political lives. However, the methods are in this case primarily archival and interview-based rather than immersive. Under the project title, ‘Self-Involvement in World Futures: Harold Lasswell and the WOMPers,’ he is looking to recover the history of the World Order Models Project (WOMP), initiated in the late 1960s, as well as its intersect with the intellectual biography of political scientist Harold Lasswell—who, as Lasswell put it in a letter to one of WOMP’s founders, hoped that the value of world order modeling was in ‘providing prestigeful prototypes for what needs to be part of the ordinary experience of all.


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