Pauline Prat

Post-doctoral researcher and scientific assistant

Pauline Prat graduated at Sciences Po in Territorial and Urban Studies (2005) and also holds a MA from Sciences Po in political science with a specialization on public policy (2006). Her master thesis has been the subject of an article she published in 2009 in Sociologie du Travail with the title "Le maire en action: gouvernement urbain et production de politiques publiques" (50(2), 2008, p. 200-218). (More publications)

She defended in December 2012 her Phd in political science "L'institutionnalisation de l'action de l'Etat en région parisienne. Du plan Prost à la police d'agglomération: quand l'Etat administre, aménage et surveille la région-capitale". She works on the construction of the Paris region as a capital region and a social problem by and for the state, since the emergence of urban and economic planning at the beginning of the 20th century. This includes shedding light on the actors’ mobilizations and the institutional reforms that tried to define the territorial and administrative frontiers of the capital region, and by doing so, to legitimize certain types of actors, knowledge and know-how, administrative entities, and even public policies.

Within Futurepol, Pauline deveopped her post-doctoral research project on the bureaucratic production of prospective and state transformation in France. In addition, until September 2015, she managed the scientific activities: organisation of seminar and conferences, team coordination and the dissemination of the different activities.


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