Maurizio FERRERA
Droits réservés
Professor of Political Science, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan. (Visiting professor at LIEPP from April 1st to 30th 2019) |
Bio :Born in Naples in 1955, Maurizio Ferrera graduated in Philosophy in Turin (1977) and subsequently gained an MA in Political Science from Stanford University (1981) and a PhD in Political and Social Science at the Institute European University of Florence (1984). Between 1984 and 2003 he taught at the University of Pavia as a researcher (1984-1987), Associate Professor (1987-1994) and finally as Full Professor. It has long been Vice-Director of the “Poleis” Center for Comparative Politics at Bocconi University, where has also taught courses in Political Science (within the DES program ) and European Integration (within the MIEM program). Since 2003 he has been Full Professor of Political Science at the Faculty of Political Science, Economics and Social Sciences (SPES) of the University of Milan, where he teaches “Theory and Policies of the welfare state”, “Comparative Welfare States” and “Empirical Political Theory “. Until 2011, he was President of the Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Sciences, and currently serves as President of the Network for the Advancement of Social and Political Studies (NASP) among universities in Lombardy and Piedmont. He was a member of numerous organizations and scientific committees, including the High Level Expert Group on Social Investment Policies at the European Commission, The Research Council European University Institute in Florence, the Executive Committee of the European Consortium for Political Research, the Board of Directors of the Collegio Carlo Alberto in Turin, the Scientific Committee of Confindustria, the Steering Committee of the Center for Research and Documentation Luigi Einaudi of Turin. Over the years he has worked in various commissions of inquiry and working groups for the Italian government, the European Union, the OECD and the ILO. He was a member of the Onofri Commission (1997), the Commission of Inquiry on Social Exclusion (1998-2001), the High Level Group on the Modernization of Social Protection at the European Commission (1998). Currently he is Scientific Advisor for the Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale – ISPI – and Affiliate Member of the Academy of Social Sciences Company. Maurizio Ferrera is part of many editorial boards of Italian and foreign journals. Between 1998 and 2000, he was co-director, along with Giovanni Sartori, the Italian Journal of Political Science. He directs the series “Public policies in Italy” for Il Mulino and the series “Studies in the political economy of welfare” for Routledge, along with Martin Rhodes. Since 2004 hehas been a columnist for the “Corriere della Sera”. His main fields of research are comparative politics and public policy analysis, with particular reference to the problems of the welfare state and European integration. On these topics he has published articles in leading international journals including Comparative Political Studies, European Journal of Political Research, West European Politics, Journal of European Social Policy and the Journal of Common Market Studies. Among his most recent books: Alle Radici del Welfare all’Italiana (with M. Jessoula and V. Fargion, 2012); Governance e Politiche nell’Unione europea (edited with M. Giuliani, Il Mulino, 2008); Il Fattore D. (Mondadori, 2008); The Boundaries of Welfare (Oxford University Press, 2005). In 2013 he won an ERC Advanced Grant for a five year research prject on “Reconciling Economic and Social Europe” (REScEU). Contributions :Maurizio Ferrera gives a talk on April 10th, 2019 Towards European Social Union. He also presents a research paper on April 23th, 2019 European Integration and the Nation State: an Intractable Political Trade off? Et si l'Union européenne était une union sociale ?, podcast with Maurizio Ferrera.
Personal page :See Maurizio FERRERA personal page for further information |
LIEPP Publication(s) :Articles and Contributions to Collective Works