Assistant Professor of Economics, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Co-director of "Socio-fiscal Policies" Research Group

Economie politique de la protection sociale

Bio :

Michaël Zemmour is a lecturer at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and co-director of LIEPP's "Socio-fiscal Policies" Research Group. His research focuses on the political economy of social state financing. His works explore three main directions:

i) The use of tax expenditures and social niches in social and employment policies in France and in Europe;

ii) the economic and political links between progressivity of the levies, the levy rates and redistribution;

(iii) the evolution of social contributions in the financing of social protection in Europe.

Personal page :

See Michaël ZEMMOUR personal page for further information

Involved in project(s) / Research Group(s) :

LIEPP Publication(s) :

Articles and Contributions to Collective Works

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