Pierre Hassner

Read l'Hommage à Pierre Hassner by Frédéric Ramel, 31 May 2018 (in French).
- Russia’s Transition to Autocracy, speech of Pierre Hassner at the Seymour Martin Lipset Lecture, 2007.
- Questions and answers session, 2007.
- « The New Europe: From Cold War to Hot Peace »
International Journal: Canada’s Journal of Global Policy Analysis, 27 (1), 1972; pp. 1–17.
- « Eurocommunism and detente »
Survival, 19 (6), 1977, pp. 251-257
- « Eurocommunism and universal reconciliation : the international dimensions of the golden dream of the PCI : 1975-1979 »
Research Institute, the Johns Hopkins University, Bologna Center
- « Does the French Right Have a Foreign Policy? »
Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary, n°67, 1986, pp.57-66
- Eroding empire : Western relations with Eastern Europe
Gordon, Lincoln, Brown James Franklin, Hassner, Pierre
The Brookings institution
- « Communism: A Coroner's Inquest »
Journal of Democracy, 1 (4), 1990, pp. 3-6
- « Culture and society »
International Spectator 26 (1), 91, pp. 136-153.
Les révolutions européennes de 1989 contre la légitimité communiste sont des révolutions culturelles au plein sens du terme. Elles ont conduit à une résurgence des nationalismes européens, source de malaises socio-culturels.
- « Beyond nationalism and internationalism : ethnicity and world order »
Survival (London), 35 (2), Summer 92 : pp. 49-65.
- « Violence and peace : from the atomic bomb to ethnic cleansing »
Central European University Press
Trad. de : "La violence et la paix : de la bombe atomique au nettoyage ethnique". - Rec. de textes, 1964-1994. - Notes bibliogr. Index
(1996/1997,Winter) n°46, pp.63-73
- Ethics and international affairs: extent and limits
Coicaud, Jean-Marc, Warner, Daniel
New York : United Nations University Press , c2001
Introduction :Reflections on the extent and limits of contemporary international ethics / Jean-Marc Coicaud, Daniel Warner -- ; International law as an approach to international ethics : a plea for a jurisprudential diagnostics / Friedrich Kratochwil -- The ; ethics of modern diplomacy / Roberto Toscano -- ; Violence and ethics : beyond the reason of state paradigm / Pierre Hassner -- ; Justice and international order : the case of Bosnia and Kosovo / David Campbell -- ; Ethics and international human rights / Jack Donnelly -- ; Environmental ethics in international society / Oran R. Young -- ; Ethics, feminism, and international affairs / Kimberly Hutchings -- ; Ethics and refugees / Mark Gibney -- ; Does globalization have an ethical problem? / Ethan B. Kapstein -- Conclusion : the ; task(s) of international ethics / Nicholas Rengger.
- « One year on : power, purpose and strategy in American foreign policy »
National Interest
(2002, Fall) n°69, pp.5-34
Tucker, Robert W. The end of a contradiction ?
Howard, Michael. What friends are for
Schmitt, Gary. A case of continuity
Mearsheimer, John J. Hearts and minds
Joffe, Josef. Of Hubs, spokes and public goods
Chace, James. Avoiding Empire
Wang, Gungwu. City and citadel on the hill
Kupchan, Charles A. Misreading september 11th
Hassner, Pierre. Definitions, doctrines and divergences
- « Who Killed Nuclear Enlightenment? »
International Affairs, 83 (3), 2007, pp. 455-467
- « Russia's Transition to Autocracy »
Journal of Democracy, 19 (2), 2008, pp. 5-1
- « Ce qui nous reste de 1989 »
Esprit (1940)
(2009-10) n°10, pp.64-160
Worms, Frédéric. Introduction : un moment 1989-2009 ?
Hassner, Pierre, Une révolution aux lendemains difficiles
Lequesne, Christian. La génération de la dissidence, l'idée européenne et la divergence transatlantique
Desbarats, Carole. Les désarrois de la fiction cinématographique : récits de l'après-1989
Howard, Dick. Qu'est-ce qu'une révolution ? Réflexions sur la portée des années 1989-1990
Béja, Jean-Philippe. Soixante ans de pouvoir communiste en Chine : les illusions perdues
Timmerman, Matthieu. Duch : un homme, une institution, un communisme en procès
Peyroulou, Jean-Pierre. Révolution et émancipation, les accidents du XXe siècle
Simon-Nahum, Perrine. François Furet et la double fin de l'idée révolutionnaire : controverses autour d'un héritage
- « Situation de l'Allemagne »
Commentaire (Julliard)
(2010,printemps) Vol. 33: n°129, pp.119-134
Hassner, Pierre, L'Allemagne est-elle un pays normal ?
Dewitte, Jacques, Comment peut-on être allemand ?
- « All Shook Up? »
Survival, 52 (4), 2010, pp. 183-190
- « Politics in Crisis? »
Journal of Democracy, 23 (4), 2012, pp. 150-154
- The companion to Raymond Aron
Colen, José, Dutartre, Elisabeth
New York : Palgrave Macmillan , 2015
1 volume (XII-304 pages) ;
Raymond Aron, philosopher and freedom fighter : life and works / Nicolas Baverez ; Aron on war and strategy : a framework for conceptualizing international relations today / Jean-Vincent Holeindre ; In the "era of tyrannies" : the international order from nazism to the cold war / Matthias Oppermann ; Aron and the cold war : "brother enemie" / Carlos Gaspar ; Forward to the past : history and theory in Aron's peace and war / Bryan-Paul Frost ; "Citizen Clausewitz" : Aron's Clausewitz in defense of political freedom / Joel Mouric ; Fin de siecle : Aron and the end of the bipolar system / Carlos Gaspar ; Raymond Aron and the notion of history : taking part in history / Perrine Simon-Nahum ; The question of political regime and the problems of democracy : Aron and the Tocqueville alternative / Giulio De Ligio ; The totalitarian negation of man : Raymond Aron on ideology and totalitarianism / Daniel J. Mahoney ; A Machiavellian conception of democracy? : democracy and conflict / Serge Audier ; Revisiting Aron's the class struggle : rereading fifty years after / Serge Paugam ; The origins of the "end of ideology" : Raymond Aron and industrial civilization / Iain Stewart ; Raymond Aron and Immanuel Kant : politics between morality and history / Pierre Hassner ; Statesmanship and ethics : Aron, Max Weber, and politics as a vocation / Scott Nelson and José Colen ; Aron and Marxism : the Aronian interpretation of Marx / Sylvie Mesure ; "Moderate Machiavellianism" : Aron, Machiavelli, and the modern Machiavellians / Diogo Pires Aurelio ; Montesquieu and Aron on democracy's virtues and vices : the question of political legitimacy / Miguel Morgado ; Raymond Aron and Alexis de Tocqueville : political moderation, liberty, and the role of the intellectual / Aurelian Craiutu ; Raymond Aron and "history in the making" / Christian Bachelier
- « The Crisis of Human Rights »
Survival, 57 (3), 2015
Pierre Hassner contributions for The American Interest
- « America: Powerful but Not Preeminent »
- « Geography and Character »
- « The Fate of a Century »
- « Russia and the European Order »