Başak Saraç-Lesavre’s research lies at the interface of Science and Technology Studies, economic sociology, discard studies, and environmental anthropology. She engages with intergenerational responsibilities, valuation practices, energy futures, environmental ethics, and time(s).
Manisha Anantharaman’s research examines how economic and political ideologies, socio-cultural identities, and inequalities affect how ecological transitions are conceptualized and enacted at multiple scales: from the household to the city to the transnational milieu. Applying ethnographic and community-engaged methodologies, she studies everyday sustainability practices and political mobilizations in relation to each other.
Etienne Nouguez has a PhD in sociology and has been a research fellow at the CNRS since 2011. He is pursuing his research in two complementary axes. The first axis aims to uncover the ways in which markets are structured and health products (medicines, food, drugs) are valued through the study of relations between regulatory agencies, pharmaceutical companies, experts, healthcare professionals and consumers.
Kevin Mellet's work lies at the crossroads of the fields of economic sociology, science & technology studies, and social studies of digital technologies.
His current research focuses on:
- the sociological and historical study of marketing, as an economic and social activity, of the professionals who carry out this activity, of their knowledge and their tools.
- the economic uses of digital technologies, captured through the practices of market intermediaries, businesses and consumers.
Philipp Brandt studies emerging professions, expert work and their effects in historical, economic and technological settings. His main project analyzes the construction of a professional “data scientist” identity in New York City’s tech community.
In a new project, he shifts focus to the dying profession of yellow cab drivers. Philipp combines computational methods with qualitative field observations to address these issues.
Marie-Emmanuelle Chessel’s research focuses on the economic and social history of 20th century France, with special attention paid to transnational circulation.
Foremost among her areas of interest is the consumer society. She studies the various players who take part in constructing this milieu, such as market-creating professionals and organized consumer activists.
From september 2021 :
Thesis of sociology : Understanding the health insurance extension policy : the case of dental care.
Dir : Daniel Benamouzig et Patrick Hassenteufel
Depuis septembre 2023
Thèse de sociologie en cours : Les épreuves du crédit étudiant – Enquête sur le recours au prêt et l’endettement étudiant en France. Directrice de thèse : Jeanne Lazarus
« Même si l’on ne compte pas, c’est vrai qu’elle nous coûte cher. Une analyse de la mobilisation économique parentale de deux étudiantes d’HEC », Journée d’étude Investissement éducatifs, PSL Paris-Dauphine, 9 novembre 2023.
Patrick Castel’s research is underpinned by a theoretical framework centered on three perspectives: the sociology of organized action, the sociology of medicine and professions, and the sociology of science.
Two main themes run through his research: the organization of medical activities and the processes of rationalization involved in this, and the processes of designing and implementing public healthcare policies.
From 2018 :
Thesis of sociology :
« Réforme sociale et réforme de soi. Sociologie historique du mouvement végétarien en France (1875 – fin des années 1930) »,
Co-dir. : Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier et Marie-Emmanuelle Chessel.
From 2019
Thesis of sociology :
"Orienting towards ecological practices: the market for prescription of sustainable consumption on digital social networks"
Dir. : Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier and financed by the ADEME.
Sociologist, Pierre François uses the tools of economic sociology to account for the transformations of contemporary capitalism, and in particular its dynamics of financialization. He works more specifically on big French companies and their managers. He co-directs the PARI Chair which analyzes the transformations of the European insurance world.
Part of his work also continues to focus on the sociology of art.
From september 2021 :
Thesis of sociology : Emergence and institutionalization of "LGBT+ policies" in a professional context in French multinational companies
Dir. : Emilie Biland-Curinier
Henri Bergeron conducts research on healthcare policy and changes in medical practice through the study of various subjects, including illegal drugs, alcohol, obesity, medical research, and public healthcare. He uses tools from the sociology of public policy, the sociology of social movements, and above all the sociology of organizations to evaluate the forces at work in the creation of public policies and the reconfigurations of organizational and institutional fields.
Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier works in economic sociology. She studies how economic behaviors are shaped by markets, social movements and governments.
She has been studying how market intermediation shapes consumers' conducts, the role of environmental mobilizations in the transformation of economic organizations (political consumption, companies-activists interactions), and the government of consumers' conducts by public policies (sustainable consumption and food policies). She is currently working on a political economic approach of abundance regimes.
Jeanne Lazarus’s research focuses on:
- Money and banks
She studies the intertwined practices of households, banks, and governments within an institutional organisation that involves banking regulation, group insurance plans, and fiscal policy.
Martin Giraudeau is a sociologist and historian of accounting, organisations, and capitalism. His work draws on methods from the sociology and history of science and technology, which he applies to the sciences and technologies of business, so as to explain their historical emergence as well as the evolutions of their roles in organizations and the economy since the early-modern period.
Sean Safford was previously an Assistant Professor of Organizations and Strategy at the University of Chicago’s Graduate School of Business, a Lecturer at the London School of Economics and Political Science and a Visiting Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School.
From november 2020 :
Thesis of sociology :
«Financing alter-modernity : comparing the economic and social development of the urban agriculture activities in Paris (France) and Detroit (US)»,
Thesis in preparation at Université Paris 8 (ED PTS – CRESPPA LabTop).
Main Dir. Nicolas Duvoux (CRESPPA)
Co-direction Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier (CSO).
Emmanuel Lazega’s research contributes to the development of a neo-structural sociology that brings together organisational analysis and social network analysis to understand how collective action works.
From 2014
Thesis of sociology :
« À l’épreuve de l’insécurité de l’emploi. Les salariés et leurs parcours face à l’instabilité professionnelle »
Dir. : Didier Demazière
From 2019
Thesis of sociology :
"Pratiques du capital dans le champ de l’investissement social."
Co-dir. : Martin Giraudeau et Pierre François.
From october 2020
Thesis : Vendre "de l'IA" : le rôle des intermédiaires marchands dans la structuration du marché de l'intelligence artificielle
Dir. : Henri Bergeron
Olivier Pilmis’ current work proposes an economic sociology that draws on the sociologies of risk, of labour and professions, and of science and technology. It focuses on how individuals and organisations deal with uncertainty, by inquiring into the ways they anticipate general movements in the economy. Every economic crisis, from the Great Depression in the 1930s to the crisis brought on by the lockdown in 2020, by way of the Great Recession of 2008, underscores the impossibility of unravelling the mysteries of the economy’s future.
Sylvain Brunier’s research focuses on the history of modernisation projects that employ knowledge tools, advisory work, and public policies.
Anne-Laure Beaussier’s work examines risk regulation in Europe and healthcare policy in the United States and Europe from an international comparative perspective. She has recently participated in several research projects funded by the ESRC and the ANR on health protection in the United States, access to healthcare in Europe, healthcare quality regulation in Europe, and risk governance in Europe.