Tales from the field: understanding students' experiences at Sciences Po

Tales from the field: understanding students' experiences at Sciences Po

Tabea Schroer
Séminaire scientifique de l'OSC - Vendredi 10 janvier 2020
  • Actualité Sciences PoActualité Sciences Po

Séminaire scientifique de l'OSC 2019-2020

98, rue de l'Université 75007 Paris - salle Annick Percheron

vendredi 10 janvier 2020 de 12h à 13h30

Tales from the field:
Understanding students'experiences at Sciences Po

Tabea Schroer
(Doctoral researcher, Leibniz Center for Science and Society, University of Hannover)

Tabea SchroerSince the 2000s, the student body at Sciences Po has become more socially diverse. On the one hand, the Conventions  d’Éducation  Prioritaire  were  introduced,  on  the  other  hand,  Sciences  Po  is  attracting  more  international  students.  Therefore,  from  a  research  perspective  interested  in  Higher  Education  and  social  inequality,  Sciences  Po  constitutes  an  interesting  case  for  research.  How  do  students  nowadays  get  to  Sciences Po and how do they experience their studies?

By making use of biographical-narrative interviews with students, my doctoral thesis in progress aims at answering these questions more in detail. This provides the opportunity to better understand processes of social reproduction as well as non-reproduction. My  paper  will  give  insights  into  the  research  design  that  is  very  much  anchored  within  a  sociological  tradition of biographical research which was established in Germany (Schütze, Rosenthal). Furthermore, I will provide some preliminary ideas for further analysis, while illustrating one biographical case

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