Bye bye 56 rue Jacob
- Actualité Sciences Po
From January 3, 2022, the centre for history is moving to 1 place saint-thomas-d'aquin (paris 7e)
5e adresse
1984-1987 - Le Centre d'histoire (Centre d'histoire de l'Europe du Vingtième Siècle) qui vient d'être créé est hébergé au 3e cycle d'histoire, 56 rue des Saints-Pères, sous les toits ;
1987-1991 - Les Archives d'histoire contemporaine rejoignent le Centre au 3e étage du 187 Boulevard Saint-Germain, juste au dessus de l'actuelle Librairie de Sciences Po ;
1991-2004 - Le Centre s'agrandit et déménage au 44 rue du Four. Il partage les locaux avec les Presses de Sciences Po ;
2004-2022 - Le Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po rejoint le 56 rue Jacob (avec le Ceri) et le 224 boulevard Saint-Germain.
Le 56 rue Jacob
Points de repère
L'immeuble du 56 rue Jacob date du XVIIe siècle (avant 1627).
Etudiant, Condorcet y habita dans les années 1760.
En 1779, la maison devient l'Hôtel d'York. Le 5 septembre 1783, au premier étage précisément, David Hartley, représentant le roi d'Angleterre, signe avec Benjamin Franklin, John Jay et John Adams, le traité de paix qui reconnaît l'Indépendance des États-Unis.
Firmin Didot, graveur de l'imprimerie impériale et imprimeur-libraire, mais aussi inventeur de la stéréotypie, acquiert l'immeuble en 1810.
The Strategic and Military Consequences of the End of the Cold War
- Actualité Sciences Po
"The Strategic and Military Consequences of the End of the Cold War"
13-14 December 2021
The Service Historique de la Défense, the Centre d’Histoire de Sciences Po, Paris, and the Sir Michael Howard Centre for the History of War, King’s College London, are organizing an international conference on the military and strategic impact of the end of the Cold War (late 1980s-early 1990s). It will take place at Sciences Po, Paris, 9 rue de la Chaise, room 933. Participants are expected to speak for 15 minutes in order to allow more room for discussion.
Students and scholars who want to join the conference are invited to register on the institutional websites of the three organizing institutions.
December 13 (Monday):
Welcome (8:30)
- Nathalie Genet-Rouffiac (Service historique de la Défense)
- Marc Lazar (Centre d’Histoire de Sciences Po)
- Joe Maiolo (King’s College London)
Introductory remarks: Paul Lenormand (SHD / Sciences Po, Paris)
Access to sources and intelligence records: studying the end of the Cold War (9:00-10:30)
Chair: Barbara Zanchetta (King’s College London)
- Simon Graham (The University of Sydney): “Reading Transformations in International Order through Intelligence Sources: Declassification, Access and Ethics”
- Raphaël Ramos (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, CRISES): “US Intelligence and the End of the Cold War: A Pyrrhic Victory?”
- Anna Sofie Schøning (Royal Danish Defense College): “Letting the Sources Speak: Can Oral History Advance post-Cold War Military History?”
The collapsing Warsaw Pact and the new regional order in post-communist Europe (11:00-12:30)
Chair: Paul Lenormand (SHD / CHSP)
- Simon Miles (Duke University): “The Last Days of the Warsaw Pact”
- Amélie Zima (Université Panthéon-Assas, Centre Thucydide): “How to End Soviet Domination in Central Europe? Between Strategies of Cooperation and Logics of Differentiation”
- Dionysios Chourchoulis (Hellenic Open University & Ionian University): “The shift of the Balkan military balance and the emergence of post-Cold War regional order, 1989-1991/2”
Lunch break
The Soviet world in trouble (14:00-15:30)
Chair: Sabine Dullin (Sciences Po, Paris)
- Jeff Hawn (LSE): “Russia’s Reluctant Praetorians: Understanding the Role of the Russian Military in the 1993 Constitutional Crisis”
- Sophie Momzikoff (Sorbonne-Université, UMR SIRICE): “A 'Fifth Column?' The Issue of Soviet Army Veterans in the Baltic States, 1991-1994”
- Sophie Gueudet (Norwegian Institute of International Affairs): “Frozen conflict or ever-lasting status quo? The unfinished business of self-determination disputes in the post-Soviet area”
NATO, European Defense and the Transatlantic relationship in question (16:00-17:30)
Chair: Mario Del Pero (Sciences Po, Paris)
- Davis Ellison (King’s College London): “Alliance Politics and the End of the Cold War: Revisiting NATO through Civil-Military Relations”
- Guillaume de Rougé (Université Catholique de l’Ouest - Bretagne Sud / CIENS ENS-Ulm): “The Genesis of European Defence: French plans for a European Rapid Reaction Force, 1990-1993”
- Arun Dawson (King’s College London): “A ‘Trojan Horse’?: American Statecraft and Transatlantic Collaboration on the Joint Strike Fighter, 1991-1995”
Keynote speech (17:45-18:45): “A New Bargain? NATO, Transatlantic Security and the End of the Cold War” by Jussi M. Hanhimäki (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva), author of Pax Transatlantica: America and Europe in the Post-Cold War Era (New York: Oxford University Press, 2021)
December 14 (Tuesday):
Space and nuclear issues after the end of the bipolar order (8:30-10:00)
Chair: TBC
- Mariana Budjeryn (Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center): “Structure amid Change: The Global Nuclear Order and the Soviet Collapse”
- Stephanie Freeman (Mississippi State University): “From “Star Wars” to “Star Peace”: The Strategic Defense Initiative in the Post-Cold War World”
- Olga Dubrovina (University of Padua): “Russia-ESA-NASA in the 90s: Between Past Difficulties and Present Challenges”
Germany: merging two worlds, redeploying forces (10:30-12:00)
Chair: Emmanuel Droit (Sciences Po, Strasbourg)
- Jéronimo Barbin (ZMSBw): “La réorganisation des politiques de défense en Allemagne réunifiée”
- Susan Colbourn (Duke University): “Taking Apart the Nationale Volksarmee”
- Christian Jentzsch (Universität Potsdam & ZMSBw): “From the Baltic to the Indian Ocean – The Federal German Navy´s move from “brown water” to “blue water” operations 1987-1996”
Lunch break
World of nukes: a challenge to the Cold War legacy? (13:30-15:00)
Chair: Joe Maiolo (King’s College London)
- Robin Möser (University of Leipzig): “Disarming Apartheid: The End of South Africa’s Nuclear Weapons and Accession to the NPT, 1988-1993”
- Jong Ung Cheon (King’s College London): “The collapse of the Soviet Union and the disappearance of an obstacle, North Korea's nuclear weapons crossed the Rubicon River”
- Benoît Pelopidas (Sciences Po Paris), Hebatalla Taha (Leiden University) and Tom Vaughan
(Aberystwyth University): “Nuclear pasts and futures at the end of the Cold War”
Global changes at the turn of the 1990s (15:30-17:00)
Chair: Walter Bruyère-Ostells (SHD / Sciences Po Aix, UMR 7064 Mesopolhis)
- Souleymanou Amadou (Université de Douala): “Dynamique de la présence militaire chinoise au Cameroun : de la confrontation sous maquis à la mise en place d’un partenariat stratégique post Guerre froide (1958-2012) [Chinese Military Involvement in Cameroon: from Maquis to the post-Cold War strategic partnership (1958-2012)]”
- Barbara Zanchetta (King’s College London): “Defending the Kingdom: America’s Uneasy Partnership with Saudi Arabia and the Transition to the Post-Cold War Era”
- Flavia Gasbarri (King’s College London): “A Second Chance: the Unipolar Moment and the Creation of a UN Permanent Military”
Conclusive remarks: Mario Del Pero (Sciences Po, Paris)
Scientific Committee:
- Walter Bruyère-Ostells (SHD)
- Mario Del Pero (Sciences Po, Paris)
- Sabine Dullin (Sciences Po, Paris)
- Flavia Gasbarri (KCL)
- Paul Lenormand (SHD)
- Joe Maiolo (KCL)
- Céline Marangé (SHD)
- Guillaume Piketty (Sciences Po, Paris)
- Barbara Zanchetta (KCL)
Concours CNRS soutien IDHE.S
Participer à la réunion Zoom
ID de réunion : 968 3919 2749
Code secret : 1Sb2h1
Les candidatures seront examinées en Conseil de laboratoire et feront l'objet d'un soutien personnalisé le cas échéant.
Call for Papers | War and Sovereignty
War and sovereignty.
Revisiting a canonical debate through interdisciplinarity
Three professors invited to CHSP in November
Three professors invited to CHSP in November
Ota Konrad (photo on the left) is an associate professor of modern history and director of the Modern history Ph.D. program at Charles University in Prague. Currently, he is a Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Institute of East and Southeast European History at the Munich University (from February 2021 to February 2022). He was the head of the Department of German and Austrian Studies at Charles University from 2012 until 2019 and a visiting professor (Vertretungsprofessor) at the University in Regensburg in the spring term of 2018. He has worked on topics dealing with the history of the humanities, history of foreign policy, WWI history in central Europe, cultural history of violence, and contemporary Austrian history. In his current research project, he focuses on domestic violence and its contexts in post-1945 West Germany and Czechoslovakia as a tool for analyzing the complex postwar societal and political reconstruction.
Contact: / Correspondant: Guillaume Piketty
Simon Levis Sullam (middle photo) is Associate Professor of Modern History at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy. He was trained and has spent research and teaching periods in Italy, the United States, France and the United Kingdom. He was a Research Associate at the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies of Columbia University NYC, an Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow and Visiting Lecturer at UC Berkeley, a Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow at the European University Institute in Fiesole, a Leverhulme Research Fellow at the University of Oxford. His many publications include: Giuseppe Mazzini and the Origins of Fascism (Palgrave 2015); The Italian Executioners. The Genocide of the Jews of Italy (Princeton University Press 2018); Jews, Liberalism, Antisemitism. A Global History (co-edited with A. Green, Palgrave 2020).
Thomas Zeiler - Fulbright Specialist (photo on the right) is a Professor of History and Director of the Program in International Affairs at the University of Colorado Boulder. He specializes in American history, focused on diplomacy and economics, globalization, baseball and sports, and World War II. His current research and forthcoming book is Capitalist Peace: A History of American Free Trade Internationalism, to be published by Oxford University Press. Tom has served as the editor of the journal of record of his field, Diplomatic History, served as President of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR), and as a member of the Department of State’s Historical Advisory Committee, and has lectured widely abroad, including holding Fulbright fellowships in Argentina, Japan, and France.