FacSem de Thibault Boulvain
- Thibault Boulvain - Crédit photo : Pascal Lévy
Fac Sem de Thibault Boulvain - 5 janvier 2023, de 12:30 à 14:00
Les images du sida. Années 1980-1990
La direction scientifique de Sciences Po vous invie au FacSem de Thibault Boulvain, Assistant Professor au Centre d'histoire (CHSP).
La thèse Thibault Boulvain a porté sur les représentations visuelles de la séropositivité et du sida, en Europe et aux États-Unis, entre 1981 et 1997. Il poursuit aujourd'hui ses recherches sur les représentations visuelles du sida dans l’histoire.
Son exposé sera discuté par Guillaume Lachenal, professeur des universités historien des sciences, attaché au médialab.
Ce FacSem se tiendra en salle K011, 1 place Saint-Thomas.
▸ Inscription obligatoire : marina.abelskaiagraziani@sciencespo.fr
Open call for two postdoctoral researchers at HDK - Valand Academy of Art and Design
Postdoctoral positions in ERC-funded project THINGSTIGATE
HDK-Valand Academy of Art and Design at University of Gothenburg
Application deadline: December 22, 2022
HDK-Valand Academy of Art and Design at University of Gothenburg
Kristinelundsgatan 6-8
SE-SE-405 30 Gothenburg
Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / YouTube
We are now welcoming applications for two postdoctoral positions for the European Research Council-funded project THINGSTIGATE, that aims to discover how aesthetic objects instigate sociopolitical change.
The University of Gothenburg tackles society’s challenges with diverse knowledge. 56,000 students and 6,600 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study. Strong research and attractive study programmes attract scientists and students from around the world. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future.
HDK-Valand—Academy of Art and Design, at the University of Gothenburg, conducts education and research in Design, Film, Photography, Fine Art, Crafts and Literary Composition—as well as teacher education in Visual Arts and Sloyd. We provide highly specialized degree programmes in an outgoing, international environment—where our unique and broad range of subjects also enables our students and staff to foster a broader artistic perspective, as well as to explore new working models and research fields. Together with our sister department—the Academy of Music and Drama—we form the most broad-ranging faculty of arts in Scandinavia.
THINGSTIGATE—Things for Politics' Sake: Aesthetic Objects and Social Change
Many believe that art is transformative, that it can change society and politics. But how does art exactly do this? THINGSTIGATE hypothesizes that this transformation pivots on aesthetic objects, and occurs within a tripartite framework of imagination, emotion, and sociopolitical institutions. The project combines archival studies, participatory art in everyday life, and longitudinal tracing of aesthetic objects, specifically ones that stimulate imagination and emotion on the nation-state as a sociopolitical institution. It will reinvent methods from large-scale studies of contentious politics to grammatically analyze the sociopolitical relations emanating out of objects in three decades of socially engaged art archives. Findings will be tested in public interventions—both physically in Sweden, Italy, USA, and digitally in Indonesia—where participants assemble and make aesthetic objects. These objects will be traced longitudinally to pinpoint when and how they instigate transformations within sociopolitical institutions. Visit here for further information on the research project THINGSTIGATE—Things for Politics' Sake: Aesthetic Objects and Social Change.
Postdoctoral research positions
We are now seeking two postdoctoral researchers to join the core team of the research project "THINGSTIGATE—Things for Politics' Sake: Aesthetic Objects and Social Change"(European Research Council grant 101041284), led by artist Dr. Tintin Wulia (Principal Investigator/PI).
One of these postdocs will specialize in public interventions/field methods. For this position, applications are encouraged from participatory art practice-based researchers, visual sociologists and visual anthropologists, art historians, cultural studies researchers, sociologists and anthropologists of visual culture and material culture, STS researchers, political scientists, and other researchers in cognate disciplines with a doctoral degree. This position is for two years starting from March 1, 2023 or a date we later agree upon. Information on duties, eligibility, assessment criteria, and how to apply to this postdoctoral position can be found here.
The other postdoc will specialize in archival research methods. For this position, applications are encouraged from sociologists and anthropologists of visual culture and material culture, political scientists, STS researchers, cultural studies researchers, visual sociologists and visual anthropologists, art historians, participatory art practice-based researchers, and other researchers in cognate disciplines with a doctoral degree. This position is for two and a half years starting from March 1, 2023 or a date we later agree upon. For detailed information on duties, eligibility, assessment criteria, and how to apply to this postdoctoral position visit here.
Applications must be received by: December 22, 2022 through the University recruitment system, see position specific links above.
Contact information
If you have any questions about the position, please contact artist/PI Dr Tintin Wulia, tintin.wulia@gu.se. If you have any questions about the recruitment process, please contact Human Resources at HDK-Valand, hr@hdk-valand.gu.se
Call for Papers | LSE-Sciences Po Seminar in Contemporary International History
- Actualité Sciences Po
LSE-Sciences Po Seminar in Contemporary International History
Call for Papers
The LSE-Sciences Po Seminar in Contemporary International History invites proposals for the 2023 Lent Term (January-March).
The seminar welcomes papers from advanced PhD students and early career researchers on any aspect of 20th or 21st century international history, broadly defined. We welcome a wide range of different historical approaches including research exploring transnational networks, non-state actors, and geographies beyond the Global North.
The seminar is an ideal environment to workshop work-in-progress. Presenters will be asked to submit a 15-20 page paper ten days before their presentation, which will be circulated to participants beforehand. During the seminar, presenters will introduce their work for no more than 15 minutes followed by comments from a discussant and wider Q&A discussion.
All seminars will be held on Zoom on Wednesdays from 4-5:30pm GMT / 5-6:30pm CET.
Applicants should submit a provisional title, a brief 250-word abstract, and a CV by December 22, 2022
Recrutement pour la Grande Collecte des archives du sport
Chargé de mission pour la Grande Collecte des archives du sport
CDD de deux ans, à pourvoir dès que possible en 2023
Missions et activités principales
Le sport est un sujet populaire qui touche toutes les couches de la société. Les Jeux olympiques et paralympiques (JOP) de Paris en 2024 sont une occasion privilégiée pour encourager la collecte des archives ayant trait au monde du sport, entendu de façon très large, et valoriser ces archives auprès de toutes les catégories de public.
Suivi par le Service interministériel des archives de France (SIAF) au ministère de la Culture, le (la)
chargé(e) de mission aura trois objectifs principaux :
1) Organisation de la Grande Collecte sur les archives du sport
2) La valorisation des archives du sport
3) Le bilan des actions réalisées
Bourse de recherche sur les fonds patrimoniaux du Centre culturel irlandais
Le Centre Culturel Irlandais est heureux d’annoncer l’ouverture de ses programmes de résidences, bourses et prix 2023-2024.
Pour en savoir plus sur la bourse de recherche disponible pour l’étude des fonds patrimoniaux (archives ou bibliothèque) :
Cette bourse de recherche, d’un montant de 1000€ par mois, est à pourvoir pour 4 à 6 semaines entre avril et septembre.
Date limite de candidature : 31 janvier 2023.