Bio :
Emanuele Ferragina a rejoint Sciences Po en janvier 2015. Il est Assistant Professor affilié au Centre de Recherche sur les Inégalités Sociales (CRIS) et au Laboratoire interdisciplinaire d’évaluation des politiques publiques (LIEPP), et Associate Member au Department of Social Policy and Intervention de l’Université d’Oxford. Avant de rejoindre Sciences Po, il a travaillé en tant que Departmental Lecturer à l’Université d’Oxford, où il a également soutenu sa thèse. Emanuele s’intéresse à l’économie politique de l’Etat Providence, aux déterminants individuels et macro du capital social et de la participation sociale, et aux usages innovants de la méthode comparative. En plus de ses responsabilités académiques, Emanuele a fondé (avec un groupe de chercheurs italiens) Fonderia Oxford, un think tank qui a pour objectif de sensibiliser l’opinion publique à des problèmes sociétaux importants, comme la rigidité du marché du travail italien, le manque de cohésion sociale dans le Mezzogiorno, et la fuite des cerveaux italiens. Il écrit régulièrement pour Il FattoQuotidiano au sujet de l’égalité, du marché du travail, des partis politiques, de l’Etat providence et du football de seconde ligue. Ses recherches ont attiré l’attention des médias et ses travaux ont été discutés à la télévision, à la radio, et par les principaux journaux nationaux. Ses livres Chi Troppo, Chi Niente (2013) (trad. Qui a trop, qui pas assez) et La Maggioranza Invisibile (trad. La Majorité Invisible) (2014) sont des best sellers en Italie.
Publication(s) dans le cadre du LIEPP :
Articles et contributions dans des ouvrages collectifs
Emanuele FERRAGINA, Edoardo MAGALINI Maternal Employment and Childcare Use from an Intersectional Perspective: Stratification along Class, Contractual and Gender Lines in Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden and the UK Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, jxad021, 2023
Emanuele FERRAGINA, Alessandro ARRIGONI Selective Neoliberalism: How Italy Went from Dualization to Liberalisation in Labour Market and Pension Reforms New Political Economy 1-21, janvier 2021
Emanuele FERRAGINA, Federico FILETTI Eppur si muove: labour market protection varieties and trajectories of change across 21 high-income countries and three decades LIEPP Working Paper n°119, May 2021
Emanuele FERRAGINA, Family policy and women's employment outcomes in 45 high income countries: A systematic qualitative review of 238 comparative and national studies Social Policy and Administration 2020
Emanuele FERRAGINA, Zachary PAROLIN Care Earnings in the United States and European Union: The Role of Social Policy and Labour Market Institutions LIEPP Working Paper n°115, Décembre 2020
Emanuele FERRAGINA, Alessandro ARRIGONI, Thees SPRECKELSEN The rising invisible majority : Bringing society back into international political economy Review of International Political Economy 2020
Emanuele FERRAGINA, The political economy of family policy expansion Review of International Political Economy 2019
Emanuele FERRAGINA, Does Family Policy Influence Women's Employment? Political Studies Review vol 17, n°1 2019
Emanuele FERRAGINA, Does Family Policy Influence Women's Employment? Political Studies Review vol 17, n°1 2019
Emanuele FERRAGINA, in Jacqueline O'Reilly, Mark Smith, Tiziana Nazio, Clémentine Moyart (eds) Are young people outsiders and does it matter? Youth employment (STYLE Handbook) 2018
Emanuele FERRAGINA, L'essor paradoxal des politiques familiales L'Année sociologique vol 68, n°2 2018
Emanuele FERRAGINA, L'essor paradoxal des politiques familiales L'Année sociologique vol 68, n°2 2018
Emanuele FERRAGINA, Mary Daly Family policy in high income countries: Five decades of development Journal of European Social Policy vol 28, n°3 2017
Emanuele FERRAGINA, The welfare state and social capital in Europe: Reassessing a complex relationship International Journal of Comparative Sociology January 2017
Emanuele FERRAGINA, Joseph Feyertag, Martin Seeleib-Kaiser Outsiderness and Participation in Liberal and Coordinated Market Economies The Open Journal of Sociological Studies vol 9, n°3 2016
Emanuele FERRAGINA, Mark Tomlinson, Robert Walker Poverty and Participation in Twenty First Century Multicultural Britain Social Policy and Society September 2016
Emanuele FERRAGINA, A Matter of Size and Generosity: Assessing the Complex Relation between the Welfare State and Social Capital LIEPP Working Paper n°43, December 2015
Emanuele FERRAGINA, (with Martin Seeleib-Kaiser), The Four world of ‘Welfare Reality’. Clustering European countries according to inequality and poverty outcomes Social Policy and Society, Forthocoming 2015
Emanuele FERRAGINA, (with Martin Seeleib-Kaiser), Determinants of a Silent (R)evolution: Understanding the Expansion of Family Policy in Rich OECD Countries Social Politics, Forthcoming 2015
Emanuele FERRAGINA, (with Francesco Grisolia), Social Innovation on the Rise: yet another buzzword in time of austerity? Salute e Società, Forthcoming 2015
Emanuele FERRAGINA, (with Mark Tomlinson and Martin Seeleib-Kaiser), Unemployment Protection and Family Policy at the turn of the 21st Century: A Dynamic Approach to Welfare Regime Theory Social Policy & Administration, vol. 47 (6), pp. 783-805, 2013
Emanuele FERRAGINA, The Socio-Economic Determinants of Social Capital and the Mediating Effect of History. Making Democracy Work Revisited International Journal of Comparative Sociology, vol. 54, pp. 48-73, 2013
Emanuele FERRAGINA, (with Mark Tomlinson and Robert Walker), Poverty, Participation and Choice in Modern Britain: the Legacy of Peter Townsend Joseph Rowntree Foundation report, 2013
Emanuele FERRAGINA, (with Martin Seeleib-Kaiser), Welfare Regime Debate: Past Present, Futures Policy & Politics, vol. 39, pp. 583-611, 2011
Emanuele FERRAGINA, Il fantasma di Banfield: una verifica empirica della teoria del familismo amorale Stato e Marcato vol. 31, pp. 283-312, 2011
Emanuele FERRAGINA, Social Capital and Equality: Tocqueville's legacy The Tocqueville Review Vol. XXXI, pp. 73-98, 2010
Emanuele FERRAGINA, Le Teorie che Non Muoiono mai sono Quelle che Confermano le nostre Ipotesi di Base: Cinquant’Anni di Familismo Amorale , Meridiana, vol. 65, pp. 265-287, 2010
Emanuele FERRAGINA, The Never-Ending debate about The Moral Basis of a Backward Society: Banfield and Amoral Familism Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford Vol. 2, pp. 141-160, 2009
Emanuele FERRAGINA, Alessandro ARRIGONI, In DONOGHUE, Matthew, Mikko KUISMA, Whither social rights in (post -) brexit Europe? Opportunities & challenges The rising invisible majority in need of new social rights Social Europe & Friedrich Ebert Stiftung 2020
Emanuele FERRAGINA, in Westlund, H. (eds.) Handbook of Social Capital and Regional Development, Social Capital of European Regions Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, Forthcoming 2015
Emanuele FERRAGINA, La Maggioranza Invisibile Milano: BUR/Rizzoli, 2014
Emanuele FERRAGINA, in Stone, J. et al. (eds.) The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism, Social Capital Boston/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2014
Emanuele FERRAGINA, Milano: BUR/Rizzoli, Chi Troppo, Chi Niente 2013
Emanuele FERRAGINA, Social Capital in Europe: A Comparative Regional Analysis Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012
Emanuele FERRAGINA, (with Mark Tomlinson and Robert Walker), Determinants of Participation in the United Kingdom: A Preliminary Analysis in N. Buck "Overview of Understanding Society", University of Essex: ISER/ESRC, 2011
Emanuele FERRAGINA, Capitale Sociale e Riforma del Welfare London-Turin: OMP, 2009