The CSO is moving from 19 rue Amélie...

The CSO is moving from 19 rue Amélie...

for the Sciences Po campus at 1 Place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin Paris 7e
  • CSO 19 rue Amélie and the Sciences Po campus at 1 Place Saint-Thomas Paris 7thCSO 19 rue Amélie and the Sciences Po campus at 1 Place Saint-Thomas Paris 7th

From 3 January 2022, the Centre de sociologie des organisations will move to the new Sciences Po campus at 1 Place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin in the 7th arrondissement, after more than 40 years at rue Amélie. It was in 1980 that the CSO moved to 19 rue Amélie, in the former premises of the Denoël publishing house. The building was rented by the CNRS until 2016, and then by Sciences Po. We shared it for a while with Jean Malaurie's Centre d'Études Arctiques (CEA) (and its wonderful library) and then with the Centre International de Recherche sur l'Environnement et le Développement (CIRED), directed by Olivier Godard. Then, thanks to the efforts of Erhard Friedberg, we were able to occupy the whole building. The structure of the building is original, with some of the offices housed in a chapel, panelling, arched windows and mazes of corridors where the visitor can sometimes get lost. "Although it was not well designed, it offered many opportunities to meet in the corridors or in the coffee corner, contributing to a convivial atmosphere to which we were all very attached. Exposed to the cold in winter, to the heat in summer, to water leaks and to the noise of neighbours all year round, it was nevertheless a unique working space.

In 42 years, the place is marked by a large number of events organised in the ground floor room, notably the weekly seminar which remains a strong element of the CSO's identity, but also festive moments sometimes ending late at night.

The CSO also housed the secretariat of SASE, our historical partner, which Martha Zuber led brilliantly for many years.

Due to the growth of its membership, the CSO also moved to other locations: first to Place St Thomas d'Aquin, rue de la Chaise, then to 13 rue de l'Université and finally to 84 rue de Grenelle.

On 17 December, we will close the door of our historical address at 19 Rue Amélie for good. Symbolically, this door has chosen to give up the ghost just before our departure!

At the beginning of January 2022, the CSO teams will be gathered on the same floor, in new offices, in the heart of a modern campus close to the other Sciences Po research centres. A new page is being turned and we look forward to seeing you in our new offices.

In the meantime, we wish you a happy holiday season.

Olivier Borraz, Director of the CSO

Les espaces au CSO avec les fauteuils oranges de Michel crozier 

The spaces of the rue Amélie with the orange armchairs of Michel Crozier, the founder of the centre.

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