Recruitement - postdoctoral researcher
Actualité Sciences Po
FUTUREPOL - A Political History of the Future: Knowledge Production and Future Governance 1945-2010 -, funded by the European Research Council (ERC) through a Starting Investigator Grant awarded to Sciences Po researcher Jenny Andersson, seeks to recruit a postdoctoral researcher.
FUTUREPOL traces attempts to govern the future from the immediate post war period until the present, and is an interdisciplinary project between history, political science and science studies.
Jenny Andersson awarded
Actualité Sciences Po
Decision science and rational order
Monday 19th May 2014
Futurepol Seminar
14:00-17:00 - Salle du Conseil at Sciences Po - 13, rue de l'Université 75007 Paris
Decision science, neoliberalism and rational order
- Sonja Amadae (Ohio State University)
- Nicolas Guilhot ( New York University, CIRHUS, CNRS)
Global Futures and Policy Making
© GIAR Climate
Global Futures and Policy Making
Seminar Futurepol - Monday 2nd December 2013 - 12:30-14:30
Location: room H201 at 28, rue des Saintes-Pères 75007 Paris
Registration: pauline.prat(at)
- Diana Mangalagiu (Reims Management School and Sciences Po)
- Angela Wilkinson (Smith School of Enterprise and Environment, Oxfort University)
Post-Socialist Futures
© JR in Kingston
Late Socialist Governance and Post-Socialist Future
Seminar Futurepol Monday 23rd September 2013 - 14:30-17:30
Location: room 740 at 117 bvd Saint Germain 75006 Paris
Registration: pauline.prat(at)
ANDERSSON, Jenny and RINDZEVICIUTE, Egle. "The political life of prediction. The future as a space of scientific world governance in the Cold War". Cahiers européens de Sciences Po, 04/2012.
Seminar 14th January 2013 - Mary Poovey
© Kyle Slattery
Monday 14th January 2013 - 12:30-14:30
A Modern Way of Knowing: The Turn to the Future in Economics
Save the dates
Tuesday 12th February 2013 - 14:30-17:30
Nuclear Futures
Soraya Boudia (Université Paris Est Marne-la-Vallée)
Gabrielle Hecht (University of Michigan)
Luis Aparicio (ANDRA) wwill launch the discussion
Location: room Jean Monnet - 56, rue Jacob - 75006 Paris
FUTUREPOL - A political history of the future: knowledge production and future governance 1945-2010
Futurepol project is closed.
New publication
Actualité Sciences Po
Rindzeviciute, Egle. 2016. The Power of Systems: How Policy Sciences Opened Up the Cold War World. Cornell University Press.