Post-Socialist Futures
Post-Socialist Futures
© JR in Kingston
Late Socialist Governance and Post-Socialist Future
Seminar Futurepol Monday 23rd September 2013 - 14:30-17:30
Location: room 740 at 117 bvd Saint Germain 75006 Paris
Registration: pauline.prat(at)
- Michal Kopeček (Academy of Sciences, Prague): “The Art of Governance in Late Socialism: Authoritarian Rule, Expert Knowledge, Exit Strategies in Czechoslovakia and East Central Europe”
- Michal Pullmann (Charles University): “Shaping the Socialist Future: Labor, Social Harmony and Leadership in Late Communist Czechoslovakia”
Discussant: Johanna Bockman (Georges Mason University)
Michal Kopeček is the head of the Post-1989 Democratic Transition History Department at the Institute of Contemporary History, Academy of Sciences, Prague. His research is focused on comparative modern intellectual history in East-Central Europe and transition and postsocialist studies. From 2010 he teaches as assistant professor of Czech and Central European History at the Institute of Czech History, Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Prague.
Michal Pullmann is the director of the Institute of Economic and Social History, Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Prague. His research is focused on representations of order in the economic experts milieus in Czechoslovakia and Soviet Union in the 1980s and on violence and state legitimacy in late socialist Czechoslovakia.
Johanna Bockman is an associate professor of sociology and global affairs at George Mason University. Her research focuses on globalization, neoliberalism, economic sociology, socialism and postsocialism. She is now working on the New International Economic Order (NIEO) and the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the 1980s debt crisis, and Yugoslav economic advising in South America, as part of a broader project on the socialist origins of today´s economic globalization.