New publication
- Assembling the planet
ANDERSSON Jenny and DUHAUTOIS Sibylle (2016), "Futures of Mankind: the emergence of the global future". In: VAN MUNSTER Rens and SYLVEST Casper (Eds.), The Politics of Globality Since 1945: Assembling the Planet, London & New York: Routledge.
- Nouvelle publication
Jenny Andersson and Egle Rinzeviciute. The Struggle for the Long-Term in Transnational Science and Politics: Forging the Future.
This book reconsiders the power of the idea of the future. Bringing together perspectives from cultural history, environmental history, political history and the history of science, it investigates how the future became a specific field of action in liberal democratic, state socialist and post-colonial regimes after the Second World War. It highlights the emergence of new forms of predictive scientific expertise in this period, and shows how such forms of expertise interacted with political systems of the Cold War world order, as the future became the prism for dealing with post-industrialisation, technoscientific progress, changing social values, Cold War tensions and an emerging Third World. A forgotten problem of cultural history, the future re-emerges in this volume as a fundamentally contested field in which forms of control and central forms of resistance met, as different actors set out to colonise and control and others to liberate. The individual studies of this book show how the West European, African, Romanian and Czechoslovak "long term" was constructed through forms of expertise, computer simulations and models, and they reveal how such constructions both opened up new realities but also imposed limits on possible futures.
Histories of prediction
- Predictions (photo: Christian Schnettelker)
Interdisciplinary workshop, bringing together historians and historians of science, STS scholars, sociologists and antropologists, around the theme of the history and uses of prediction in a range of fields.
The workshop is the final conference of the Futurepol project.
The workshop took place at Sciences Po, on Friday and Saturday April 15 and 16, 2016.
Prediction as a Source of Social Power
Writing the history of the "neoliberal turn"
- © R Barraez D´Lucca
Workshop Writing the history of the "neoliberal turn"
Knowledges, practices and expertises (1960s-1980s)
17th October, 2014
Workshop organized by par Jenny Andersson and Nicolas Delalande (Centre d’études européennes / Futurepol et Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po)
9:30 -10:00 Introduction
« Croisade, accommodements ou hybridations ? Les analyses d’un “tournant” »
Julien VINCENT (Université Paris I) :
« Qu’y a-t-il de néo dans le néolibéralisme ? Une réflexion à partir du XIXe siècle »
10:00 -13:00 First panel
Jenny ANDERSSON (Centre d’études européennes / Futurepol) :
« RAND goes to France. Genèse de la prospective française »
Eric MONNET (Banque de France) :
« La politique de la Banque de France au sortir des Trente Glorieuses un tournant néolibéral et monétariste ? »
Matthieu LEIMGRUBER (Université de Genève) et Léon WANSLEBEN (LSE) :
« Karl Brunner (1916-1989) et les circulations atlantiques du monétarisme »
Discussion : François DENORD (Centre de sociologie européenne)
14:00 -17:00 Second panel
Laurent WARLOUZET (Université d’Artois) :
« L’Europe néolibérale existe-elle ? L’exemple des débuts de la CEE (1957-1986) »
« En amont des récits statistiques néolibéraux. De la “réussite économique” du colonialisme tardif à la “faillite” des États africains (v.1930-v.1980) »
Vitezslav SOMMER (Centre d’études européennes / Futurepol) :
« Prognosticating Neoliberalism?: Forecasting in Late Socialist Czechoslovakia and Post-Socialist Future »
Discussion : Nicolas DELALANDE
General discussion and conclusions
Free entrance
Location: Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po - Salle du Traité
56, rue Jacob - 76006 Paris