Latest publications
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ANDERSSON Jenny (2012), "The Great Future Debate and the Struggle for the World". The American Historical Review, vol. 117, no 5, p. 1411-1430.
RINDZEVICIUTE Egle (2012), "Post-Soviet Transformation of Lithuanian State Cultural Policy: The Meaning of Democratisation". The International Journal of Cultural Policy, vol. 18, no 5, p. 563-578.
Fictional expectations and future generations
Séminaire Futurepol
Futures in economic sociology.
Tuesday, October 23 2012
From 14:30 to 17:30
- Jens BECKERT (MPIfG and IAE Paris)
- Benjamin LEMOINE (Sciences Po/CSO and IFRIS)
The general discussion will be introduced by Patrick Le Galès (Sciences Po/Cee, CNRS)
Place: Sciences Po, Centre d'histoire - 56, rue Jacob - 75006 Paris
Compulsory registration:
Association Française de Science Politique (AFSP)
Jenny Andersson is responsible with Sarah Gensburger (Paris 10/ISP) for the panel on “Gouverner la mémoire, gouverner le futur. Nouvelles perspectives sur l’Etat à partir d’objets« marginaux »” (Governing memory, governing the future. New perspectives on the State from the study of marginal objects)
Pauline Prat is responsible with Nicolas Rio (IEP Lyon/Triangle – Acadie) for the panel on “Prospective et action publique” (Prospective and public action).
Seminar Futurepol Sciences Po, June 7 2012
Egle Rindzeviciute presented a paper, “The Emergence of Technoscientific Settings of Influence during the Cold War: Tracing Networks and Social Relations that Organized IIASA”.
Science and Democracy Network (SDN)
Jenny Andersson presented a paper with Anne-Greet Keizer (Scientific Council for Government Policy, Netherlands), “Governing the future. Institutional responses to problems of long term development in the Netherlands and Sweden”.