Alexandra Bahary-Dionne, invited doctorant, University Ottawa

  • Alexandra Bahary-DionneAlexandra Bahary-Dionne

Alexandra Bahary-Dionneis a doctoral student in law at the University of Ottawa, where she is preparing a thesis on "Poverty in the era of financialization: analysis of a contemporary contractual relationship", under the supervision of Pascale Cornut St-Pierre.

Pr. Adia Harvey Wingfield, Washington University and Peter Edlund researcher, Uppsala University

Visiting researchers
  • Actualité CSOActualité CSO

Pr. Adia Harvey Wingfield is the Mary Tileston Hemenway Professor of Arts and Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, where she is also Professor of Sociology and Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Diversity.

Liudvika Leisyte, invited professor at the Université de Dortmund

  • TU Dortmund / Liudvika LeysiteTU Dortmund / Liudvika Leysite

Le CSO a le plaisir d'accueillir Liudvika Leysite, professeure de Higher education à l'Université de Dortmund où elle dirige le centre de recherche sur l'enseignement supérieur. 

Cláudia Sarrico (University of Minho, Portugal) and Gabrielle Schütz (University Versailles – Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines), invited researchers

  • Cláudia S. Sarrico & Gabrielle SchützCláudia S. Sarrico & Gabrielle Schütz

As of September 1, 2022, the CSO is pleased to welcome two guest researchers: 

Visiting : Peter Edlund-Uppsala University, Michal Frenkel-The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Mike Zapp-University of Luxembourg

  • Peter Edlund, Michal Frenkel and Mike ZappPeter Edlund, Michal Frenkel and Mike Zapp

 Peter Edlund is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Business Studies at Uppsala University.

Mallory Hope

Invited Doctorant from Yale University
  • Mallory HopeMallory Hope

Mallory Hope is a PhD candidate in the Department of History at Yale University. Her research seeks to understand economic development and financial capitalism from the perspective of early-modern overseas trade. Mallory’s dissertation is a history of preindustrial insurance markets in France. She is building a large, original database of marine insurance rates that were charged during the eighteenth century to cover merchandise, ships, and African captives sent to sea.

Kayla B. Schulte (OxPo) and Anna-Lena Rose (TU Dortmund)

Invited at the CSO
  • Kayla B. Schulte (OxPo) and Anna-Lena Rose (TU Dortmund)Kayla B. Schulte (OxPo) and Anna-Lena Rose (TU Dortmund)

Le CSO a le plaisir d'accueillir : 

Kayla B. Schulte, doctorante invitée dans le cadre de l'échange OxPo, The Oxford-Sciences Po Research Group pour une année académique (2020/2021), 

Anna-Lena Rose, invitée de l'université de TU Dortmund de septembre à octobre 2020.

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