MA and PhD applications in International History at the Graduate Institute Geneva
The International History Department at the Graduate Institute in Geneva is now welcoming applications for its Master's and Ph.D. programmes for the academic year starting in autumn 2021.
Situated in the heart of international Geneva, the Graduate Institute International History Department is uniquely positioned to monitor and examine the making of international policies and the global history that stands behind and ahead of them.
Both the Master's and the Doctoral programme offer an opportunity to students to explore the modern world through transnational histories and taking into account a multiplicity of perspectives.
The Graduate Institute offers financial support opportunities to qualified students, as well as employment opportunities to select students.
I would be grateful if you could kindly disseminate this call for applications and share the link to our flyer and to our latest video from Instagram with your students.
More information on how to apply to the Master and Ph.D. in International History is available on our website.
IEG Fellowships for Doctoral Students
The Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) awards 8–10 fellowships for international doctoral students in European history, the history of religion, historical theology, or other historical disciplines. The IEG funds PhD projects on European history from the early modern period until 1989/90. We are particularly interested in projects
- with a comparative or cross-border approach,
- on European history in its relation to the wider world, or
- on topics of intellectual and religious history.
The IEG Fellowships provide a unique opportunity to pursue your individual PhD project while living and working for 6–12 months at the Institute in Mainz. The monthly stipend is € 1,350. Additionally, you can apply for family or child allowance.
Le CEFRES recrute un(e) assistant(e) de direction
AAC : Le CEFRES recrute un(e) assitant(e) de direction
Date-limite des candidatures : 20 décembre 2020 à 17h
Contrat de droit local tchèque à durée déterminée (1 an) renouvelable
Temps plein (37 heures hebdomadaires)
Poste à pourvoir le 1er février 2021
Lieu de travail : CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1
Salaire brut : 32 315,- CZK
Compétences :
- contribuer à l’organisation des manifestations scientifiques du Centre, en lien avec ses partenaires tchèques et étrangers ;
- assister le directeur dans sa gestion courante du CEFRES (correspondance, comptabilité, etc.) ;
- contribuer à l’animation numérique du centre (site Internet trilingue, newsletter, carnet de recherche, page Facebook, etc.) ;
- traduire des documents du tchèque au français et réciproquement ;
- assurer la liaison entre l’administration du CEFRES et les administrations des partenaires académiques ;
- participer à l’encadrement des stagiaires du CEFRES ;
- assurer l’accueil du CEFRES aux visiteurs extérieurs.
C2DH | Doctoral researchers (PhD Students) in the field of public history
The University of Luxembourg aspires to be one of Europe’s most highly regarded universities with a distinctly international and interdisciplinary character. It fosters the cross-fertilisation of research and teaching, is relevant to its country, is known worldwide for its research and teaching in targeted areas, and is establishing itself as an innovative model for contemporary European Higher Education. It`s core asset is its well-connected world-class academic staff which will attract the most motivated, talented and creative students and young researchers who will learn to enjoy taking up challenges and develop into visionary thinkers able to shape society.
The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) is a research centre for the study, analysis and public dissemination of contemporary history of Luxembourg and Europe with a particular focus on digital methods and tools for doing innovative historical research. It serves as a catalyst for innovative and creative scholarship and new forms of public dissemination and societal engagement with history.
Your Role
The PhD students will join the Public History as the New Citizen Science of the Past (PHACS) project hosted at the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) and will work under the direct supervision of Prof. Dr Thomas Cauvin. Focusing on the production of history with a public perspective, public history has developed as one of the most dynamic international fields of the historical discipline. In collaboration with cultural institutions and universities all over Europe, PHACS studies, researches, but also develops, constructs and evaluates the impact of public participation, coproduction, and shared authority for history-making. [read more]
Le Prix d'histoire militaire 2020 décerné à Paul Lenormand
- Actualité Sciences Po
Le conseil scientifique de la recherche historique de la Défense (SHD, ministère des Armées) vient d'attribuer le Prix histoire militaire 2020 à Paul Lenormand pour sa thèse soutenue en 2019 intitulée « Vers l’armée du peuple. Autorité, pouvoir et culture militaire en Tchécoslovaquie de Munich à la fin du stalinisme » sous la direction de Guillaume Piketty et Antoine Marès.