PhD workshop “Social and ecological policies: finding common grounds”

Sciences Po’s Social–Ecological Transitions Initiative is pleased to convene the workshop:  PhD workshop “Social and ecological policies: finding common grounds” June 18th. 9am-1pm. Sciences Po, LIEPP room, 1 place Saint Thomas d'Aquin, 75007, Paris.  Mandatory registration Abstract: This workshop aims at fostering...

Empowering consumers for the ecological transition in ASEAN and Europe

Project holders:  Charlotte Halpern Nicolas Jansen Calamita Team members: • Manisha Anantharaman (Sciences Po, CSO) • Sophie Dubuisson Quellier (Sciences Po, CSO) • Celine Lange (NUS CIL) • Daniel Nicholas Putra Pakpahan (NUS CIL) • Marc Ringel (Sciences Po, LIEPP and European Chair sustainable development) Project description: ...

Governing Nutrient Pollution Beyond Farmers

LIEPP's Environmental Policies Research Group is happy to invite you to the seminar:  Governing Nutrient Pollution Beyond Farmers Thursday September 8th, 1:00 - 2:30 pm Location: Salle C.S16, 1 place Saint Thomas d'Aquin, Paris 7ème Mandatory registration Presented by: David Kanter (New York University) Abstract: Nutrient pollution is one of...

LIEPP internship on interdisciplinary environmental research

Sophia Noel is a third year student in the Sciences Po college universitaire, majoring in economy and society. She will begin her master’s in sociology at the Sciences Po School of Research in fall 2022. During the spring semester 2022, she has been working as a research intern at LIEPP, with the Environmental research group.  What has led...

« Environmental Policies » Research Group

The 'Environmental Policies' research group aims to make sense of environmental policies in the broadest sense - sustainable development, climate change, green growth and, more recently, energy and ecological transitions - and to shed light on the choices made by policy-makers and, more generally, a wide range of stakeholders. This line of...
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