Ida Gaede
Doctorante - PhD Candidate
Ida Gaede (CRIS)
Sujet de thèse - Dissertation Title
Migrant Mothers: the Role of Citizenship and Migration in Post-Birth Employment Trajectories in Germany and France
Supervisors: Marta Dominguez Folgueras (Sciences PO-CRIS) and Philipp Brandt (Sciences Po-CSO)
Funding: ERC Starting Grant Project “Returns to Work in Occupational, Relational, and Corporate Settings”, under the direction of Philipp Brandt (2023 - 2028).
This thesis explores how motherhood influences women's employment trajectories in Germany and France, focusing on immigrant women. It explores long-term patterns of returning to work after childbirth and the motherhood wage penalty across different nationalities, while also considering institutional and regional factors that shape employment outcomes.
Article mis à jour le 28-10-2024