Andrew Zola

Doctorant en sociologie - PhD Candidate
  • Andrew Zola (CRIS)Andrew Zola (CRIS)

Consulter son CV | Refer to CV (pdf, 282  Ko)

Sujet de thèse - Dissertation Title

Welfare Attitudes and Common Sense through Crises: The Sociological Basis of the Political Economy

Directeur de thèse - Thesis Director: Emanuele Ferragina (Sciences Po - CRIS)

Financement - Funding: Contrat doctoral Sciences Po


  • 2023 (with Emanuele Ferragina, Marta Pasqualini & Ettore Recchi), "Understanding public attitudes during Covid-19 in France with Polanyi and Gramsci: a political economy of an epidemiological and economic disaster", Comparative European Politics, Published 20 November. Available on Springer Link
  • 2022 (with Emanuele Ferragina), "The End of Austerity as Common Sense? An experimental analysis of public opinion shifts and class dynamics during the Covid-19 crisis", New Political Economy, vol. 27, n° 2. Available online on Taylor & Francis portal
  • 2020 (with Mirna Safi, Philippe Coulangeon, Emanuele Ferragina, Olivier Godechot, Emily Helmeid, Stefan Pauly, Ettore Recchi, Nicolas Sauger, Jen Schradie, KatharinaTittel, Andrew Zola, « La France confinée. Anciennes et nouvelles inégalités », In: Marc Lazar, Guillaume Plantin, Xavier Ragot (eds.), Le Monde d’Aujourd’hui : Les sciences sociales au temps de la Covid, Presses de SciencesPo, p. 95-116.


  • 2021 (with Emanuele Ferragina, Marta Pasqualini, Ettore Recchi), "Who cares about health and the economy through the Covid-19 pandemic? Longitudinally tracking changes and heterogeneity in people’s perceptions of risks", SocArXiv. Available online
  • 2020 (with Emanuele Ferragina), "An Obituary for Austerity Narratives? An Experimental Analysis of Public Opinion Shifts and Class Dynamics during the Covid-19 Crisis", MaxPo Discussion Paper, n° 20/5. Available online
  • 2020 (with Jen Schradie, Emanuele Ferragina, Marta Pasqualini, Ettore Recchi, Mirna Safi, Nicolas Sauger, Katharina Tittel), "The Covid Year in France: A Tale of Two Lockdowns", CoCo - Coping with Covid-19, policy brief n° 5. Available online
  • 2020 (with Ettore Recchi, Emanuele Ferragina, Olivier Godechot, Emily Helmeid, Stefan Pauly, Mirna Safi, Nicolas Sauger, Jen Schradie, Katharina Tittel), "Living through Lockdown: Social Inequalities and Transformations during the COVID-19 Crisis in France",  CoCo - Coping with Covid-19, policy brief n° 1. Available online

Communications - Presentations

  • 2024, "Generational Welfare Conflict? A Comparative Age-Period-Cohort Study of Labour Market Protection Preferences", Public Institutions and Policies as Drivers of Political Attitudes, EUI, Florence, Italy, May 20.
  • 2024, "How Covid-19 Employment Protections Influenced Welfare Attitudes: The Experiences of Furlough, Short-Time Work, and Unemployment in Four European Countries", The Social, Political, and Psychological Consequences of the Covid-19 Pandemic on European Societies, Menaggio, Italy, May 14.
  • 2024, "Generational Welfare Conflict? A Comparative Age-Period-Cohort Study of Labour Market Protection Preferences", 2nd IAST-OxPo Conference in Political Economy, Toulouse, May 07.
  • 2023, "Policy Socialization under Changing Welfare States: A Comparative Generational Perspective of Redistributive Preferences", 21st European Social Policy Association Network (ESPAnet) Annual Conference, Warsaw, Poland, September 8.
  • 2023 (with Ettore Recchi), "Do You Think You Stand Where You Actually Stand? The Interplay of Subjective and Objective Social Status in Ten Industrialized Countries (2002-2019)", XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, Australia, June 26.
  • 2023, "Embedded Welfare State Support: Disentangling Unemployment Protection Preferences with an Age–Period–Cohort Analysis", 12th International Conference of Panel Data Users in Switzerland, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 15.
  • 2023 (with Marta Veljkovic and Ettore Recchi), "Did Covid-19 Change Workers’ Careers and Income? A Panel-Based Assessment in France",  RC28 Conference, Sciences Po, Paris, May 25.
  • 2023 (with Marta Veljkovic and Ettore Recchi), "Winners and Losers of the COVID-19 Pandemic in France: A Panel-Based Assessment", CRIS Scientific Seminar, Sciences Po, Paris, April 21.
  • 2022, "Coping with Covid-19. Interpreting the Pandemic and Subjective Well-Being in France", Covid-19 Winners and Losers Workshop, Samuel Neaman Institute for National Policy Research, Haifa, Israel, December 15.
  • 2022, "Embedded Welfare State Support: Disentangling Unemployment Protection Preferences with an Age–Period–Cohort Analysis", PolEconSoc Seminar, MaxPo, Sciences Po, Paris, France, October 17.
  • 2022, "Coping with Covid-19: Social Distancing, Cohesion and Inequality in 2020 France", ResPOnsE Workshop, Dipartimento di Scienzi Sociale `e Politiche, Universit`a degli Studi di Milano, June 13.


  • European Journal of Political Research
  • Comparative European Politics
Article mis à jour le 24-06-2024
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